Best, Top-rated Glow Discs in Disc Golf!

Today we will be highlighting the best glow discs in disc golf! These are not only discs with excellent glow, but also great discs in their own right as well! We believe you will benefit from these discs for glow rounds at night, but also during your day rounds as well. Enjoy!

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Best, Top-Rated Glow Discs – Introduction

A bad disc with great glow does you no good.

Sure, when it careens off unpredictably during a glow round, you’ll be able to find it.

But will you even want to find it?

That is why we are not only highlighting great glowing discs, but also great discs that happen to glow.

We want you be able to step up confidently, night or day, knowing that you have a great disc in your hand.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how we ranked these discs!

Glow Disc Ranking System!

Basically, we have three metrics for you, when ranking the best glow discs in disc golf.

1. Quality of the Glow – Tiers

When looking at quality of glow, we looked at two factors: Brightness and Duration.

In our minds, and with a lot of objective evidence from others, there is a pretty clear cut cream of the crop, when it comes to quality of the glow. That would be MVP Sports.

Here are our Glow Tiers for Plastics:

  1. MVP Sports – This includes MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Thought Space Athletics.
  2. Discraft (2023 and later) , Lonestar, Discmania (2023 and later) and Kastaplast
  3. RPM, Mint, Prodigy
  4. Gateway, Innova, Infinite

Then, once the glow of the disc was accounted for, we also accounted for another obvious trait.

2. Quality of the Disc

To make sure we are choosing top-notch glow discs we also clearly factored in the quality of the disc itself.

To do this we factored in Disc Ratings and Personal Experience.

For each disc, we’ll tell you how people rated it (avg. rating), flight numbers, how the disc is typically used (forehand, backhand, etc.) and what to expect from the flight.

in addition to glow and quality, we wanted to factor in one more aspect.

3. Availability

A disc that is unavailable is no good to anyone. We won’t be highlighting any rare discs.

If it glows well, flies well, and you can commonly find it online, we’ll feature it in this post.

Otherwise, if you have one you love, but is less common, we definitely still want to hear about it in the comments!

Charging Your Discs!

Axiom LED Flashlight!

Most glow discs, will not hold their charge for long, sustained amounts of times. That means, you have to charge it up, preferably right before you throw it.

Luckily, all it takes is an LED flashlight and you are in business!

To charge discs, disc manufacturers make plenty of products.

Personally, we like this LED flashlight from Axiom. It is simple to use, works great, and comes at a great price!

Here is a similar Flashlight on Amazon (affiliate link).

Best Glow Discs – Putters and Approach Discs

Putters are an appropriate place to start.

If you are playing at night, given the circumstances, chances are that you will be playing par 3’s and not blasting off into the woods. (If you are, we’ll have some ideas for you there too!)

Here are some really great glow putters that are great for throwing.

The Axiom Envy

Flight Numbers: 2, 3, 0, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.87 stars

Glow Rating: Excellent Glow and Duration!

Description: The Envy is one of the best throwing putters in the game and it’s no coincidence it is consistently one of the highest rated discs. It can handle a lot of torque and is very forgiving to boot.

Check it out in Total Eclipse (glow rim and glow flight plate) plastic.

And here it is in regular Eclipse 2.0.

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The Envy!

The Kastaplast Reko X

Flight Numbers: 3, 3, 0, 2 Avg. Rating: 5.0 stars

Glow Rating: K1 Glow is Excellent in glow and general disc golf quality; K3 Glow is closer to a base plastic and has less overall glow, but has good tack that some people prefer it for their putting putters.

Description: The Reko X is a great throwing putter that people also enjoy for approaches. You wouldn’t regret pulling this out for upshots in a glow round that’s for sure. It has more stability than its uncle Reko which allows you to throw from further away, backhand and forehand, with more stability.

Check out the Reko X!

For pure glow putting, The Reko, in K3 Glow is a popular choice.

The Reko X

The Prodigy A5

Flight Numbers: 4, 3, 0, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.94 stars

Glow Rating: 300 Glow is fine, but the disc is very good.

Description: A lot of people compare The A5 to a beat in Zone. It’s got a nice straight flight with a very reliable finish. It’s also got a great hand-feel that people appreciate. When you put those two things together, you’ve got yourself a fantastic approach disc for your glow rounds!

Check out The Prodigy A5!

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The A5

The Kastaplast Jarn

Flight Numbers: 4.5, 3, 0, 3 Avg. Rating: 4.94 stars

Glow Rating: K1 Glow is some of the best in the game for glow and performance!

Description: The Jarn is one of the best approach discs in the game, glow or no glow. It handles forehand torque, headwinds, and plenty more! Its low profile feels great in the hand for forehand and backhand. When you throw in the excellent K1 plastic with some juiced up glow, then you’ve got yourself a great approach disc day or night!

Check out The Jarn!

Here’s a direct link to the K1 Glow Jarn!

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The Jarn

Green Kastaplast Jarn

The Tomb

Flight Numbers: 3, 4, 0, 1 Avg. Rating: 4.88 stars

Glow Rating: Subpar glow, Great disc.

Description: Even though Innova, and by extension Infinite, have some of the lowest glow standards in the business, it doesn’t mean you won’t want to have a great disc in your hand. And the only reason I’m putting this in, is because I actually putt with the Metal Flake Glow Tomb. Don’t ask me why. It just feels right. So, you can bet I’m bringing this to a glow round. Then, when you throw in the excellent throwing element, it’s a must have on a post for best glow discs!

Check out The Tomb!

The Tomb

Yellow Infinite Discs Tomb

Best Glow Discs – Midranges

Midranges can be absolutely crucial in your night round. A lot of times at night, control is a key element.

And if we are being honest, control is quite important during day rounds too.

For this reason, I comprised a list of the Very Best Midranges in Disc Golf (it opens a new tab so you don’t lose your spot here!) by all sorts of categories. Check it out if you get a chance.

In the meantime, here are some of the best glow midrange to help your glow rounds!

The Axiom Hex

Flight Numbers: 5, 5, -1, 1 Avg. Rating: 4.84 stars

Glow Rating: Eclipse 2.0 Axiom is top of the line for Brightness and Duration!

Description: The Hex is a classic all-purpose disc that does it all. It’s a fantastic straight-shooter that can also hold lots of complex lines. This is why the Hex is in the bags of true beginners and even professionals. It does it all and is a great candidate for your one disc round. And if that one round is at night, get the Glow Hex!

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The Hex

The RPM Kotuku

Flight Numbers: 5, 5, 0, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.83 stars

Glow Rating: Signature RPM Glow is good not great, but definitely adequate.

Description: The Kotuku, from New Zealand’s RPM, is a fantastic stable to overstable midrange. It can hold a great deal of torque and flies nice and straight with a reliable and substantive finish. This is a very reliable disc for forehands, backhands, and headwinds. It also comes at a very competitive price point!

Get The Kotuku!

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The Kotuku

White RPM Kotoku

The Thought Space Athletics Mana

Flight Numbers: 5, 5, -2, 1 Avg. Rating: 4.94 stars

Glow Rating: TSA Glow is top of the line!

Description: The Mana is an absolute gem of a disc. It really does it all. Straight shots, hyzer-flips, turnovers, upshots and more. It’s a get-out-of-jail disc and a one-disc-round candidate wrapped up in one glowing, pulsating package.

Get The Mana!

The Mana

Glow Mana

The MVP Reactor!

Flight Numbers: 5, 5, -0.5, 1.5 Avg. Rating: 5.0 stars

Glow Rating: MVP Eclipse 2.0 is the best in the sport!

Description: Having a disc named “The Reactor” in the brilliantly glowing Eclipse 2.0 feels like a perfect match. And it turns out it is. The Reactor is another glorious one-disc-round candidate that knows no bounds. It’s got the stability to hold up to a lot of power, and the versatility to execute so many different shots.

Get The Reactor!

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The Reactor

The Mint Discs Mustang!

Flight Numbers: 5, 5, 0, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.85 stars

Glow Rating: Nocturnal glow is good for both brightness and duration!

Description: Mint Discs has a nice, stable midrange in The Mustang. This is another disc that has wind-fighting, line-holding, torque-resisting potential. The Nocturnal, as with most glow discs, is the most stable of their plastics and that allows this disc to fly straight and true, with a reliable and consistent fade at the end.

Get on The Mustang!

The Mustang

Best Glow Fairway Drivers!

During a glow round, having a fairway driver to get you a bit more distance while still maintaining an element of control can be really beneficial.

With this in mind, we’ve got some high-quality, highly-rated disc golf fairway drivers that glow for you.

The first disc, also appears in our post on Best Discs with High Glide. It’s a gliding, glowing phenom!

Let’s begin.

The Lone Star Guadalupe

Flight Numbers: 7, 6, -2, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.81 stars

Glow Rating: Lone Star has excellent glow options in both Alpha Glow and Bravo Glow (Bravo is softer and gummier).

Description: The Guadalupe is a true beauty. It can hold lots of lines for long distances. It can also hyzer-flip to straight and get you through those tight wooded lines day or night. This is a great disc for easy distance and is appreciated by players of all skill levels.

Check out The Guadalupe!

For a similarly excellent glow fairway driver from LSD, you can also try The Mockingbird (7, 5,-2, 1 and 4.82 stars).

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The Guadalupe

The Kastaplast Lots

Flight Numbers: 9, 5, -1, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.73 stars

Glow Rating: K1 Glow is great.

Description: When discussing The Lots, I think of versatility and reliability. I can’t decide whether I like it better forehand or backhand. For both it rides straight, with a smidge of turn and then comes on back. Both versatility and reliability can be crucial during night rounds. For this reason, check out The Lots!

For an even more stable fairway driver from Kastaplast that can be a utility disc and a forehand smasher, try The Stal (9,3,0,4 & 4.87 stars)

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The Lots

The Infinite Sphinx

Flight Numbers: 9, 6, -3, 1 Avg. Rating: 5.0 stars

Glow Rating: The glow lacks, the disc does not!

Description: At the time of this post 20 people have reviewed The C-blend Metal Flake Glow Sphinx and every person gave it a 5-star rating! I don’t know if I’ve seen that before. And I know exactly why. This disc is a hyzer-flipping, gliding machine that can hold a lot of lines and help you maneuver your way down the fairway.

Get The Sphinx!

The Sphinx

The Raptor

Flight Numbers: 9, 4, 0, 3 Avg. Rating: 4.76 stars

Glow Rating: Discraft upgraded their Z Glo in 2023 (I’m not certain what year Infinite has in stock. It will still glow, I’m just not sure to what extent, but it’s such a great disc, I had to highlight it!)

Description: The Raptor, glow or no glow, is an absolute staple in many people’s bags. It’s got great stability and can handle forehand torque and wind with ease (Which is why it made our post for Top Forehand Discs in Disc Golf!). For night rounds, it’s also got utility disc and skipping potential to help you scramble and get out of the tight spots we always seem to find ourselves in at night. This disc has the versatility to stay in your bag night and day.

Get The Raptor!

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The Raptor

The MVP Resistor

Flight Numbers: 6.5, 4, 0, 3.5 Avg. Rating: 4.75 stars

Glow Rating: Top of the line!

Description: The Resistor, from MVP, slots nicely in between midranges and fairways. It’s a highly reliable hybrid that is great for forehands and holds power very well. It’s also a great utility disc that you can flex around obstacles and have it nestle next to the basket. And, of course, the Eclipse 2.0 Glow Plastic is second to none!

Get The Resistor!

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The Resistor

Best Glow Distance Drivers!

I’m going to be honest here. I don’t pull a ton of distance driver out during night rounds.

That being said, a lot of glow courses do select open holes for their night round layoutss. And if there is an open hole with some distance, why not let it rip?

Then, when you throw in the fact that most glow discs have a bit more stability to them, it allows for a little extra torque and power as well. In that respect, you can happily use these during the day rounds as well.

So. with that in mind, here are the best, top-rated distance driver glow discs in disc golf!

The Kastaplast Vass

Flight Numbers: 12, 5, -1.5, 2 Avg. Rating: 5.0 stars

Glow Rating: K1 Glow is excellent!

Description: The Vass, is like a seasoned, hyzer-flip distance cheat code for players that appreciate some of the more popular discs on the market like the Destroyer or Zeus. It’s got a low profile and fits snugly in the hands for both forehand and backhand tosses. For glow rounds, it’ll have great glow and will also, given its propensity to flip up to flat, give you some control on your easy distance.

Get The Vass!

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The Vass

The Lone Star Growler

Flight Numbers: 12, 6, -3, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.9 stars

Glow Rating: Alpha and Bravo Glow are very highly regarded!

Description: The Growler is an excellent disc for some effortless distance. It’s great for players with slower arm speeds and is very workable for more advanced players. Whether it’s big sweeping drives, long turnovers, or a hyzer-flip for max distance, the Growler is a great glow option to have day or night!

Get The Growler!

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The Growler

Gray Lone Star Growler

The RPM Kahu!

Flight Numbers: 13, 5, -1, 2 Avg. Rating: 4.85 stars

Glow Rating: Solid Glow on a great disc.

Description: The Kahu also makes the list of Best Forehand Discs in Disc Golf, because it’s a bomber. I did a post on RPM and its fantastic selection here if you’d like to check it out! I find it to be very forgiving and if I get my angle wrong it can still fight out and get some great distance. The glow gives it that extra bit of stability for more flex possibilities. If you have an open distance shot, night or day, you won’t regret having the Glow Kahu!

The Kahu

Every Infinite Glow Distance Driver!

Flight Numbers: 10 – 13 speeds Avg. Rating: 4.7 – 4.88 stars

Glow Rating: Modest Glow, Great Drivers!

Description: This may seem like a cop-out to direct you to EVERY Infinite Distance Driver, but the reality is that these discs are excellent. The lowest rating you can find is 4.7 stars. And because Infinite manufactures them, you’ll have your pick of weights and plastics. I think these are a great discs to explore at a very reasonable price!

Options include flippy, glidey distance grabbers (Pharaoh, and Maya), Overstable mashers (Conquerer and Slab), And 10, 11, and 12 speed stable bombers (Aztec, Czar, and Emperor respectively)

Check out The Infinite Glow Distance Driver lineup!

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The Infinite Distance Lineup

The Kastaplast Guld

Flight Numbers: 13, 5, -.5, 3 Avg. Rating: 4.82 stars

Glow Rating: K1 Glow is excellent in quality and glow.

Description: The Guld, in my opinion, balances the stability just right. You can rely on it to flex and come back, but it’s not an absolute meat hook. It’s a forgiving disc that will give you the distance you desire on most throws, and even more when you catch it just right. Throw in the great hand feel with the excellent plastic and glow and The Guld is is a winner!

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The Guld

green Kastaplast Guld

Best Glow Discs in Disc Golf – In Summary

There you have it. We have highlighted some great glowing discs and, at the same times, some great discs that happen to glow.

In other words, we believe you can use these discs night or day and benefit from them.

Glow rounds are a lot of fun, but glow rounds with great glowing discs are even better!

We hope these serve you well and you enjoy using these out on the course!

Thank you, as always, for reading our post on the best glow discs in disc golf! If you found value in this post, there are plenty more to come! Please consider subscribing to our free, infrequent newsletter. Those who do, are automatically entered in a raffle to win gift cards to Infinite Discs. You can also follow us on instagram and win products we give away after we review them!