Disc golf can be a great activity to play with the family. If you or someone in your family is new to the game, you can all have a great time on the course. Here are some things to consider in order to the make the most of your family disc golf outing.
If you ask me, disc golf checks a lot of boxes in terms of what you look for in a family outing. It’s outdoors, beginner-friendly, screen-free, safe, quick, fun, challenging for all levels and even sneaks in a little physical activity as well. Check, check, check, check, check, check, check.

Want to take the family to a baseball game? Me too. But I bet you spend more on concessions for just one member of your family then you will for a whole round of disc golf for everyone. Say nothing of tickets, parking, etc. Disc golf is inexpensive. Another check.
Did I mention that the disc golf community is overwhelmingly kind and accepting? It is. Check.
Throw in the fact that it’s a novel shared experience and now we’re making memories too. Big check!
That’s ten checks right there and I’m sure there are more as well. The bottom line is that disc golf has a lot going in its favor to make it a great choice for a family outing. Let’s look a little more in-depth at what you should consider in order to make the family outing the best it can be.
What is Disc Golf?
Please skip if you know this already. The following is a very brief overview. Essentially, disc golf is very similar to the game of golf. Instead of hitting a golf ball however, you are throwing a disc. And instead of the hole being in the ground, it’s an elevated basket that you are trying to land your disc in (with the help of chains).
Basically, you start at the tee pad and throw your disc towards the basket. You then go to where your disc landed and throw from there. And you keep going until you get your disc in the basket.
The objective is to get it in the basket with as few throws as possible. Below is a more in-depth video that explains the game as well, so you can get an even better idea of the game.
Disc Golf is Beginner Friendly
Compared to most other sports, disc golf is a beginner friendly sport. Also, given the fact that each player is shooting for themselves, it allows each player to be challenged individually.
I, for example, am able to have a lot of fun playing with my 3-year old (modified of course). He gets close to the basket and shoots from there and I go to a distance that challenges me. We’re both happily playing and having fun together as well. For more insight, check out this post I made on the topic entitled Disc Golf: A Great Game for Kids.
In addition, the game can easily be modified. If the shot looks too hard, just pick it up and walk to a shot that looks good for you. If the main objective is having a fun outing with your family, then there is no harm in that.
Once you start training for the pros, you won’t be able to take that strategy. But for now, it’s all good! And trust me when I tell you that nobody else on the course is going to give you a hard time about it…
The Disc Golf Community is very Supportive
I don’t think you can say this about every sport. The disc golf community is probably one of the friendlier, more accepting groups I’ve ever been a part of.
Another way to put it is this: More than any other sport, disc golfers remember best what it was like when they were beginners. As such, they are a lot more empathic and understanding of people new to the game.
Are there exceptions to this? Of course! But that just proves the rule (I’m pretty sure I used that wrong).
All told, it’s helpful to choose a family activity that is surrounded by good people. Disc golf is one such sport.
Disc Golf is Fun!
There’s a reason it’s one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Disc golf is a lot of fun to play. If you are going to plan a family outing, you probably want to make it a fun one. There’s something special about watching a disc fly through the air. So many disc golfers get hooked by watching the arc of that one gorgeous shot…
Because it is beginner friendly, you and your family can capture some of that on your first time out. And who knows, maybe one of you will have that special shot that you all remember for years to come? It happens!
Other Benefits to Disc Golf as a Family Outing
We mentioned some of these in the introduction, but I really do think that disc golf lends itself really well to being a great candidate for a family outing. Here’s a quick list:
Disc golf is inexpensive: I usually don’t spend more than $5 for a round of disc golf. Many times it’s free. It’s not easy to find this much bang for your buck for a whole family. Here’s a post I wrote called Disc Golf: I do it all for the Money! that I think you may enjoy.
Screen Free – There’s something nice about a shared family experience without screens. Leave the phones at the house (sure carry one for safety) and enjoy time outdoors together.

Being Active – Minus the discs and the baskets, disc golf can also just be seen as a hike in the woods. You are getting some exercise outdoors as a group and that’s never a bad thing either…
Now let’s look at a few more things, including preparation and safety (disc golf is safe!) to make sure you are ready to maximize your family outing!
Other Thoughts for your Disc Golf Family Outing
Here are a few other considerations (in no particular order)for you to consider in order to get the most out of your disc golf family outing.
Keep your Round Moving!
The one thing that you should remember if you are going out and you are new to the game is to keep it moving. It can be frustrating to be behind a slow-moving group. It creates a bottle-neck that backs up every group behind you.
So, to combat this you can ask people if they “want to play through” or you can simply skip a few holes and walk right through them. That buys you a little time. Another option is to pick a course that doesn’t have a lot of players on it. This can mean finding a time where there are less people out, or just picking a less popular course.
I’ve played a few rounds with my 3-year old and I just give him the disc when he’s 50 feet away. And when the people behind us catch up, we let them play through and marvel at their great shots. Because disc golfers are a friendly bunch, they usually have an encouraging word to say to him as they pass through. This makes it fun for him and an entirely pleasant experience in general.
My advice: Don’t be intimidated by better disc golfers. Just be mindful that they probably have a faster pace of play. Let them pass on through, exchange pleasantries, watch them throw, and keep going with your round.
Be prepared
This goes for any outing, but you obviously want to be prepared for your round. A typical 18-hole round takes about 2 hours to play (1 hour for 9 holes). So, if that means you want to bring water, snacks, etc. then plan for that.

In general, it will depend on the course you are playing, the weather and the time of year for you to fully prepare. That being said here are a few other considerations: Poison ivy prevention (soap?). Sunscreen for sunburn. Bug spray for mosquitos/ticks. Extra clothing for inclement weather or extra socks in case you step in some mud/water.
Don’t let these deter you! It looks like a lot grouped together in a few paragraphs, but as long as you plan accordingly, you will be fine!
Additional safety
Disc golf, on the whole, is a safe family sport to play. But, those discs hurt if they hit you. So, with that in mind, make sure you and your little ones are directly behind the person throwing the disc. And if that person is particularly erratic, put your body between that thrower and a child.
My son can throw it all over the map. He has about 270 degrees of angle that he could throw it. The safest place is directly behind his “intended target” (which can also be a mystery at times). Just make sure that each thrower takes turns and that everyone else is out of their throwing path and you should be fine.
Also, if you send one towards another group, yelling “Fore!”, like in golf, is still the best way to let them know to take cover.
Discs Sink in Water
There are some discs that are designed to float in water, but for the most part they sink. This is just helpful to know so you don’t find out the hard way. If you are facing a daunting body of water and you are unsure whether you will be able to clear it, it’s probably best to bypass it somehow and move on. As you learn the game and your own personal limitations, you’ll be able to gauge whether or not going for it is a wise decision.
Also, in this vein, it’s helpful to remember to watch the entire flight of your disc. These discs have a funny way of hiding from us. So, make sure you have a good idea, with landmarks, of where your disc landed. This will help you locate it and keep going on your merry way.
Getting Started with Gear
Disc golf is one of those “tip of the iceberg” sports. There are so many different discs and there’s a whole different language for it as well.
If you are new you don’t really have to concern yourself with that. But basically there are many different discs for many different throws. Some are for the short throws close to the basket (putts) and some are for longer throws (drivers). Some discs are go left more easily and some go right more easily. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
For your purposes, you don’t have to fret over any of that yet. If you do want to start traveling down that rabbit hole, then there are plenty of places to go (like right here! Subscribe!).
But, if you are just going out for a round to test it out, you probably only need one or two discs per person (some people frequently carry 25 different discs).
If you don’t have discs, you can try borrowing from someone who does (disc golfers usually have a lot of extra discs to lend) or see if your local courses have some discs to lend out for a round.
If you want to buy, I recommend getting discs that are beginner friendly that you will still want to use as you get better in the sport. I’ve compiled a list of beginner friendly discs that you’ll keep in your bag for life for you to consider.
Apart from that there’s no need to get a disc golf bag or anything like that until you are certain that the sport is something you want to pursue.
The Disc Golf Family Outing – In Summary
Well, obviously I’m a little biased. I thoroughly enjoy the game of disc golf so this whole post is probably presented through my rose-tinted glasses. But, objectively, you have to admit that disc golf has a lot going for it in terms of making it a viable candidate for your next family outing.
It’s inexpensive, fun, safe, and beginner friendly (but can challenge many levels). In addition, it’s outdoors and away from those screens that are consuming us all. This also means you sneak a little physical activity into your family outing as well.
Continuing on, disc golf is a growing sport. You can be a part of a growing trend. Also, given the fact that the community is so inclusive, it’s an easy game to get into and doesn’t require a lot of equipment to get started.
Finally, you never know what fun memories you will create out there on the course. Maybe someone tosses one in from 70 feet? Perhaps something comical happens because it’s new to you all. Maybe, the sport sticks and one of the kids gets hooked? Maybe some day they even go pro? Some pros make well over $1 million per year. Perhaps that one outing has you retiring early because your kid made it big…
More realistically, you will have discovered a fun, family outing that has something for everyone, creates memories, and brings you closer as a family. That sounds like a nice choice to me!
Thanks for reading! Personally, I’m an elementary teacher that has gotten hooked to the sport of disc golf. I started this website in April, 2022 and am planning to chart my progress from beginner to wherever I land. I encourage you to subscribe and come along for the ride as well! As always, don’t hesitate to comment below or reach out with any questions you may have or posts you’d like me to write. In the meantime, keep disc golf’n around your local courses!
Check out some of these latest disc golf posts!
- 3 Excellent Disc Golf Umbrella Options for You!
- The Making of Stokely Discs!
- The Top Disc Golf Sling Bag To Use on the Course!
- Top-Rated Disc Golf Retriever For Your Bag!
- Sockibomb Foundation – Greatly Growing the Sport!
- Doomsday Discs: What to Stock Up on Before The End!
- 7 Top-Rated Portable Disc Golf Baskets!
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- Can Rogue Iron’s Discs Make Your Bag?