Here’s a post for you on over 50 of the very best forehand discs in disc golf! In my editing work for Infinite Discs and A LOT of testing on my own I’ve come up some great discs to flick! Enjoy! At the end, please consider subscribing and following us on instagram. Both are free and both give you opportunities to win disc golf gear and gift cards!
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Best Forehand Discs – Introduction
It seems, these days, that the forehand is a necessary part of the disc golfer’s arsenal. For some, it comes more naturally than it does for others, but its utility is undeniable.
And no matter where you are in your forehand progression, it’s probably a wise decision to have a few forehand-friendly discs in your bag.
That’s where this post comes in.
We’ve scoured the internet and coupled that information with our own experiences, and found the very best disc golf forehand discs by many different categories, so you can find one that fits your needs.
We sincerely hope that you find the right forehand disc for you!
Let’s start by getting you close to the basket with some forehand approach discs!
Best Forehand Approach Discs!
Really, let’s call this section, best approach discs not named The Zone!
Coming up shortly, I’ll highlight The Zone, and also give you some discs that are like it from other companies…
So, here are some great non-Zone approach discs that give you a different experience when trying to get it close with a forehand.
The Kastaplast Jarn
Flight Ratings: 4.5, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.93 stars!
Notes: The Jarn is a flat, low-profile approach disc that feels great on a forehand approach shot! This gets a bit more distance than your typical Zone!
Also consider: K1 plastic is some of the best in the game!
Check it out here!
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The Prodiscus Jokeri & Jokeri X!
Flight Ratings: 3, 3, 1, 2 Average Rating: 4.74 stars!
Notes: The Jokeri is a slim, great-feeling approach discs that’s perfect for forehands. It can also get you some sneaky distance if you ask it to!
Also consider: The Jokeri X (note the “X”) is basically the same disc except that it has a bead. I like them both!
Check out The Jokeri here or The Jokeri X here!
These affiliiate links let you See Jokeri on Amazon or Jokeri X on Amazon!
The Gateway Houdini
Flight Ratings: 3, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.5 stars!
Notes: Forehand touch or forehand torque; The Houdini can handle both and everything in between! Gateway discs can be found at a great price as well.
Also consider: The Houdini has an interesting “side bead” for that little extra touch around the basket.
Check it out here!
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Best Forehand Discs With a Thumb Track
The Houdini (above) had a “side bead” for those interested. But others, myself included, really appreciate the groove on the top of the disc, also known as the Thumb track, for a surer grip especially on your forehands.
If this describes you, then check out these Forehand Thumb track gems below.
The Lone Star Disc Copperhead!
Flight Ratings: 3, 4, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.73 stars!
Notes: The Copperhead is a great all-purpose approach disc that can take a lot of angles it’s thrown on, and feels great with the forehand approach. Watch it glide straight and tail off right towards the basket at the end.
Also consider: Victor 1 and 2 plastics float in water. You can also check out another post I wrote for The Best Discs that Float!
Check it out here!
This affiliate link let’s you See it in floating Victor 1 on Amazon here!
The Ringer GT
Flight Ratings: 4, 4, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.85 stars!
Notes: The Ringer GT is one of the originals with the thumb track. It’s got low glide and gets down fast so you don’t overshoot the basket. It can also handle the forehand torque you give it.
Also consider: It comes in a variety of plastics at a variety of price points.
Check it out here!
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The Gateway Devil Hawk
Flight Ratings: 3, 3, 0, 4 Average Rating: 4.63 stars!
Notes: The Devil Hawk is thin, beaded, overstable, comes with a thumb track and is great for getting up under the basket with a flick.
Also consider: Gateway’s discs come at a great price point.
Check it out here!
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The Innova Pig
Flight Ratings: 4, 1, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.76 stars!
Notes: The Pig is a classic. It’s very flickable at different angles and powers and is as reliable as they come. The pig always comes back and sits down nicely for you.
Also consider: The thumb track on this one is more gradual.
Check it out here!
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Best Zone Equivalents!
Many believe (and I cosign) that The Discraft Zone is the ultimate approach disc. And, as far as the forehand is concerned, it’s a thing of beauty! It fits perfectly in the forehand slot, and has enough stability to come out of full power forehand flexes and nestle right down quickly where you need it to land!
All that being said, because it’s so great, it doesn’t mean other companies haven’t “borrowed a few traits” and made their own that fly very similarly. In other words, you can get an equivalent and be a little different at the same time if that’s more your style!
So, let’s start with the Zone, and highlight some other equivalents that are great (and highly rated) as well.
The Discraft Zone!
Flight Ratings: 4, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.89 stars!
Notes: The Zone is an absolute classic. It handles headwinds, forehands, flexes, feels fantastic in the hand and is used by countless Discraft pros.
Also consider: Because Infinite has so many in stock, there are many to be found at a great price (sort by price low to high)!
Check it out here!
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The Westside Harp!
Flight Ratings: 4, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.71 stars!
Notes: The Harp is another classic and a fantastic disc for forehand approach shots. If you’ve seen Kristin Tattar wing it around the course, you’ll know that this disc has some pedigree. Like the zone, it’s very stable and can handle winds, torque, flexes and more!
Also consider: This is slightly deeper and with a touch more glide than The Zone. It’s a great disc and all about personal preference.
Play The Harp!
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The RPM Discs Kea
Flight Ratings: 4, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.62 stars!
Notes: The Kea is a beaded, deeper approach disc that has all the great forehand and stability characteristics of other discs in this category. RPM is a great company from New Zealand (check out a post we did on them here) and if you are looking to spice things up a tad, I like this choice a lot.
Also consider: RPM discs, despite the distance, can be had at very reasonable prices.
Check it out here!
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Other Zone Equivalents (Honorable Mentions)
The Latitude 64 Savior – 4,3,0,3 – 5.0 stars – A bit on the pricey side but you know Latitude 64 brings the quality! This one is fantastic and beloved! Check it out here! Or use this affiliate link to Find it on Amazon here!
The Legacy Pursuit – 5, 3, 0, 3 – 4.89 stars – This is a great transition between Zones and midranges because this is the ultimate hybrid of the two. It’s basically a slightly longer Zone. But it feels great and flies fantastic! Plus, it’s made by Legacy which brings a nice change of pace to your bag. Check it out here! Use this affiliate link to Find it on Amazon here!
Best Forehand Midranges!
I’ve got an entire post dedicated to all categories of midranges! In it, there are many midranges that are very forehand friendly.
Here are some of the ones we like best, and know that there will be others midranges in this post that fit into other categories as well. For a complete list please feel free to explore that post as well for some fantastic mids in general!
The Innova Toro
Flight Ratings: 4, 2, 1, 3 Average Rating: 4.79 stars!
Notes: If it’s good enough for Calvin Heimburg to be flicking all over the planet, then it’s good enough for me. The Toro is a flat, very overstable, highly flickable midrange that feels great in the hand and responds well to power, torque, flex shots and plenty more!
Also consider: The Toro is on the shallower side which many forehand players prefer!
Check it out here!
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The DGA Quake!
Flight Ratings: 5, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.85 stars!
Notes: I’ve bagged The Quake for a long time because I love how it feels in my hand and I feel like it has a perfect amount of stability (nice and overstable but not too much). It’s flat, got good depth, has smoothed out edges and is fantastic for forehands!
Also consider: You can’t go wrong in SP Line or Proline plastics.
Check it out here!
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The RPM Kotuku!
Flight Ratings: 5, 5, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.86 stars!
Notes: The Kotuku, from RPM discs, is still overstable, but not as much as some of the other discs on this list. Nevertheless, this is a great all around midrange that is also very versatile when using it for the forehand.
Also consider: I did a post on RPM Discs which I’ll post soon. I like their discs in Cosmic, Atomic and Glow plastics.
Check it out here!
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Best Fairway Driver Forehand Discs!
Similar to the midranges, not all the fairway drivers will be represented here. They’ll be represented in the categories with different stabilities and more.
That being said, here are some rock-solid, tried-and-true forehand discs you’ll enjoy on the course!
The MVP Terra
Flight Ratings: 8, 5, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.92 stars!
Notes: The MVP Terra is money with the forehand. It strikes that perfect balance of stability (not too much), hand-feel, glide and reliability. This shallow, flat-topped 8-speed is beloved by forehand disc golfers all over and we think you’ll appreciate it as well!
Check it out here!
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The Storm Abyss!
Flight Ratings: 8, 4, 0, 3 Average Rating: 5.0 stars!
Notes: I love The Abyss on the forehand. It flies straight and true while walking that tightrope between too stable and just right! And like other great forehand discs, it feels fantastic in the hand.
Also consider: I like it in Category 3 or 3X.
Check it out here!
There are plenty more great fairway forehand discs to come. But, before I go further, I would be doing this post a disservice if I didn’t address some of the all-timers and the discs that fly very similarly!
Best Teebird/Thunderbird/Firebird Equivalents!
I should just call it “best bird equivalents,” I suppose. But the Teebird, Thunderbird and Firebird are long thought to be the standard to judge other stable-to-overstable, forehand-friendly fairway drivers against.
And sometimes you just want to be a little different.
The Innova Teebird
Flight Ratings: 7, 5, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.76 stars!
Notes: The Teebird is an absolute forehand (and backhand) classic! It flies straight and true before consistently fading at the end. It’s a great disc in the wind and a complete reliable workhorse!
Also consider: I like it in champion, Star or Gstar plastics!
Check it out here!
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Here’s some Great Teebird Equivalents!
The Clash Cookie!
Avg. Rating: 4.83 stars!
About: We did a review on Clash and The Cookie is a great disc. It flew almost identical to the Teebird, BUT Clash has great plastics and their discs are of the highest quality!
Get it Here!

The Legacy Rival!
Avg. Rating: 4.83 stars!
About: The Rival is another tried and true legend in disc golf. It flies very similar to a Teebird and is great for shots where you need precision. Get it Here!
View it on Amazon! (affiliate link)

The Lat64 Explorer!
Avg. Rating: 4.8 stars!
About: Very controlled, accurate and reliable. The Explorer is a wonderfully dependable disc and Latitude 64 always bring the quality in production! Get it Here!
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The Innova Firebird!
Flight Ratings: 9, 3, 0, 4 Average Rating: 4.72 stars!
Notes: The Firebird is one of the OG’s in the world of overstable discs! It is oft-replicated for its consistency in headwinds, its controllability and, of course, for its excellence with the forehand! Hand feel, consistent flights, and forgiveness are some of The Firebirds trademark characteristics making for an excellent overstable disc.
Check it out here!
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Here’s some Great Firebird Equivalents!
The Infinite Scepter!
Avg. Rating: 4.87 stars!
About: The Scepter is a bit straighter and longer (4-glide instead of 3) and has a bit less bite than the Firebird. It’s a great option for those looking for that half step down from meat hook status with all the benefits of the classic Firebird! Get it Here!
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The Mint Phoenix!
Avg. Rating: 4.75 stars!
About: The Phoenix is a fun change of pace disc from a lesser known brand with all the good qualities we’ve come to love for the forehand friendly, overstable utility driver slot. Give this disc a shot and you won’t be disappointed! Get it Here!
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The Discraft Raptor
Avg. Rating: 4.75 stars!
About: Yet another flat top, wind-fighting, overstable, utility, flicking phenom! The Raptor absolutely delivers when you need a disc in this slot, and even has a big brother that’s even more stable in the Captain’s Raptor! Get it Here!
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The Thunderbird!
Flight Ratings: 9, 5, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.68 stars!
Notes: The Thunderbird is a bit longer than both the Teebird, but still flies straight and is very reliable in the wind. It also has the torque resistance to make it a very consistent forehand disc and definitely has a slot in a forehand dominant bag!
Also consider: If you like that added stability, like I do, try it in Champion plastic.
Check it out here!
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Here’s some Great Thunderbird Equivalents!
The Lat64 Honor!
Avg. Rating: 4.83 stars!
About: The Honor has a bit more fade (2.5) but beats in nicely to fill that perfect Thunderbird, longer, straighter forehand driver without too much hook! Latitude found the perfect balance with this disc! Get it Here!
View it on Amazon! (affiliate link)

The Lone Star Mad Cat!
Avg. Rating: 4.62 stars!
About: With a thin profile and a nice flat top, The Mad Cat is begging to be flicked! Like other similar discs, it’s reliably straight with a nice finish! If you like a gummier, grippier disc, Bravo plastic is a fun choice. Try it here!
View it on Amazon! (affiliate link)

The RPM Tara Iti!
Avg. Rating: 4.6 stars!
About: The 10-speed Tara Iti, all the way from New Zealand , has that reliable flight AND a little extra glide for some extra forehand distance. It comes at a nice price point (check out a post we have on great discs at affordable prices!) as well and is a great all around disc! Get The Tara Iti Here!

Best Forehand Distance Driver Discs!
Now, that we’ve properly warmed up, it’s time to start bombing some discs!
I can’t tell you how many discs I’ve personally launched in that quest for some extra forehand distance.
My experiences, in conjunction with your ratings, have helped me cultivate this list. I’m going to categorize them by speeds (11, 12, 13, etc.) and you can pick a disc that works best for you!
11-Speed Forehand Distance Drivers
The Latitude 64 Flow!
Flight Ratings: 11, 6, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.61 stars!
Notes: The Flow is rapidly climbing my depth chart for favorite discs in my bag! It’s got every bit of that 6 glide. It’s long and straight and consistent. But what sets it apart in my mind is that it’s so forgiving. I don’t feel like I have to get the angle just so in order to get a great shot out of it. But if I do happen to get the angle right, It’s a thing of beauty to watch it soar into the distance.
Also consider: I like it in the slightly more stable/durable Opto plastic.
Check it out here!
The Streamline Trace!
Flight Ratings: 11, 5, -1, 2 Average Rating: 4.78 stars!
Notes: The Trace is a very versatile disc that can fill a lot of needs in a bag. It’s straight, forgiving, has good glide and can give some nice turn as well. It’s got a nice thin profile which a lot of forehand throwers prefer and has a consistent fade at the end to nestle in close to the basket.
Also consider: This is a very good, less-expensive substitute for those players that like The Grace or The Wraith.
Check it out here!
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12-Speed Forehand Distance Drivers
The Viking Valhalla!
Flight Ratings: 12, 5, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.63 stars!
Notes: The Valhalla is just a perfect forehand disc in so many regards. It’s got great stability, fantastic glide, predictable flights and a balanced hand feel. Give it a rip, watch it soar, and feel the confidence from start to finish that you’ll get a consistently great shot out of it.
Also consider: Viking Discs come at a great price point.
Check it out here!
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The Innova Destroyer!
Flight Ratings: 12, 5, -1, 3 Average Rating: 4.65 stars!
Notes: The Destroyer is the Captain Obvious disc of this entire post. This disc is so popular that nearly every other disc manufacturer has a Destroyer equivalent in their lineup. And, it just so happens that it is a fantastic forehand disc. It is flicked by top pros and players the world over. It provides distance, glide, consistency and predictablility. No wonder it’s one of the most popular discs ever!
Check it out here!
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13-Speed Forehand Distance Drivers
The Kastaplast Guld!
Flight Ratings: 13, 5, -.5, 3 Average Rating: 4.83 stars!
Notes: Those who have ever had the pleasure of launching the Kastaplast Guld know: This disc is designed to go far! It’s got that great balance of stability, speed and hand-feel so that you feel empowered just holding it. And the Kastaplast K1 plastic is second to none!
Check it out here!
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The RPM Kahu!
Flight Ratings: 13, 5, -1, 2 Average Rating: 4.85 stars!
Notes: RPM sent me some discs to review, and my am I glad they included The Kahu! This disc was made to be launched forehand-style. It can handle your torque, give you a bit of turn and then come on back to the center, way on down the fairway.
Also consider: I like it best in Atomic plastic.
Check it out here!
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The Innova Charger!
Flight Ratings: 13, 5, -1, 2 Average Rating: 4.75 stars!
Notes: The Charger is relatively new as far as Innova is concerned. As a result, there is less name recognition. But make no mistake, this disc moves! This is a very well balanced bomber. It rides straight, gets subtle turn and finishes forward nicely for some great forehand distance.
Check it out here!
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Best Forehand Discs with High Glide!
Glide might be one of my most sought after qualities in a disc. In fact, I like it so much I dedicated a whole post to it!
Be sure to check Best Disc Golf Discs with High Glide! In it, I take you from putter through Distance Drivers and everything in between of the highest rated and “glidiest” discs on the market!
Below, I have some forehand friendly discs with super high glide for you! Let’s start with the lesser-known Cosmic!
The Alfa Cosmic!
Flight Ratings: 8, 6, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.87 stars!
Notes: The Cosmic is consistent, accurate, forgiving and wonderfullly torque resistant which makes it a great disc to flick. It’s also got some serious dome to it. But with serious dome comes serious glide and I absolutely love launching this gliding, forgiving phenom knowing more likely than not, it’ll result in a good shot!
Get it here!
Also consider: All Alfa’s plastics are very high quality! Note: I find this disc to be more stable than other reviewers, but with 4.87 stars there’s not a lot to complain about!
The Gateway Apex!
Flight Ratings: 11.5, 6, -1, 1.5 Average Rating: 5.0 stars!
Notes: The Apex is a fantastically versatile disc with loads of glide. It works as both a forehand and backhand disc and is great for some distance combined with accuracy off the tee!
Also consider: Gateway’s disc can be had at a great price point!
Check it out here!
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The Infinite Discs Pharaoh!
Flight Ratings: 13, 6, -1, 2 Average Rating: 4.71 stars!
Notes: The Pharaoh is a little less stable than the numbers suggest, but make no mistake, this disc glides! In fact, as a forehand driver, this could very well be the disc that gets me the most total distance. I just don’t throw it into a headwind and I release it with a touch of hyzer and watch it flip up and soar!
Also consider: This disc very closely resembles The Innova Shryke which is another gliding phenom!
Check it out here!
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Best Understable Forehand Discs!
You’ll hear it a lot: If you want to get better at forehand, learn to throw forehands with lower speed discs AND understable discs.
In addition to that, you’re going to have forehand shots where your backhand is blocked and you need to turn your forehand shot over.
For these reasons, a forehand-friendly understable disc can really come through in the clutch.
Here are some great ones below. But if you have others that you rely on, I want to hear about them as well!
The Clash Soda!
Flight Ratings: 7, 5, -2, 2 Average Rating: 5.0 stars!
Notes: The Soda is in the running for favorite discs in my bag. It’s just so amazingly versatile! I use it all the time backhand, but I find myself reaching for it quite a bit on the forehand as well! It’s great to hyzerflip straight and also for forehand turnovers. Where it really earns its paycheck is as a forehand get out of jail disc. When I’m leaning out of the woods (no backhand available) I can flick this thing on slight anhyzer and watch it sail around corners and hold the line all the way to the ground!
Check it out here!
Also consider: The Vanilla, from Clash, is almost the 11-speed equivalent (11, 6, -2, 1) of The Soda!
The TSA Mantra!
Flight Ratings: 9, 6, -2, 1 Average Rating: 4.85 stars!
Notes: If you are looking for another all-timer, The Mantra is one of them! TSA’s first disc is an absolute gem. It has glide for days, a perfect stability balance for hyzer-flips and turnovers, and it gets some serious easy distance. And this applies to the forehand as well. Not for headwinds, but rip it, hyzer-flip it and watch it turnover for some very unique and glorious forehand shots!
Also consider: I love it in ethereal plastic! It’s got great grip and amazing durability.
Check it out here!
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Best Stable/Straight-Flying Forehand Discs!
You can also check out this post on The Best Straight Flying Discs in Disc Golf!
For now, here are some great forehand straight flyers!
The Infinite Centurion!
Flight Ratings: 7, 5, -1, 2 Average Rating: 4.88 stars!
Notes: The Centurion is another 7-speed workhorse. This disc can hold so many lines, backhand and forehand, that it’s laughable! The obvious use is a straight forehand shot right up the gut. But it’s an amazing get out of jail disc and you can also rip it on anheizer forehand around bends and watch it glide towards the basket. It’s a beauty!
Also consider: I like mine in a more stable plastic like C-blend (gummy is great) or S-blend. Also, Infinite has great discounts on X-Outs as well (just sort by price low to high)!
Check it out here!
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The Viking Ragnarok!
Flight Ratings: 11, 5, -1, 2 Average Rating: 4.63 stars!
Notes: The Ragnarok is a great, stable disc to rip on forehand and watch it turn a bit only to come reliably back way and complete that S-Curve way down the fairway. This disc finds that nice balance between accuracy, consistency and distance.
Also consider: Viking has some really great prices on nice discs.
Check it out here!
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Best Overstable Forehand Discs!
The Troija
Flight Ratings: 5, 3, 1, 4 Average Rating: 4.87 stars!
Notes: The Troija is overstable like a Ghost Pepper is considered “spicy”. This disc redefines overstable! It’s an absolute monster, but it’s a beautiful monster at that. And it certainly feels great as a forehand disc. Rip it on anny and watch it immediately flip over and skip off the ground in the opposite direction. A fantastic option in really tight spots and really fun to show your cardmates as well.
Also consider: The comments on this disc are hilarious.
Check it out here!
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The Banzai!
Flight Ratings: 8, 4, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.65 stars!
Notes: The Banzai, from DGA, is that wind-fighting, straight-flying, reliably-fading, not-too-overstable-but-definitely-overstable, fairway driver. It’s accurate and it’s a workhorse that you’ll love!
Check it out here!
Also consider: DGA has a lot of forehand friendly fairway drivers that are stable to overstable to choose from!
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The RPM Kotare!
Flight Ratings: 13, 5, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.5 stars!
Notes: The Kotare is a power distance driver that is tailor made for forehands. It’s board flat and great for smashing into headwinds or flexing on steeper slopes with a reliable fade in the end. This reliable driver finds a slot in the bag of most forehand players that try it!
Also consider: RPM has some great prices on great discs.
Check it out here!
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The Dynamic Discs Getaway!
Flight Ratings: 9, 5, -.5, 3 Average Rating: 4.85 stars!
Notes: The Getaway is one of those discs that gets it just right with the overstability. This is that super-reliable disc that you know will fade back but isn’t excessively overstable either. It’s great for a wide variety of throws, and the forehand is definitely one of them.
Check it out here!
Also consider: Dynamic Discs, based in Kansas, knows wind and has a lot of great stable and overstable options to explore!
This affiliate link let’s you See it on Amazon here!
Best Forehand Discs on a Budget!
I always appreciate a good bargain.
If you’d like, I’ve highlighted some ways for you to save money on some really great discs!
Below, I’ve got some great forehand discs that are also budget friendly. Enjoy!
The Minotaur!
Flight Ratings: 8, 3, 0, 4 Average Rating: 4.67 stars!
Notes: The Minotaur is a very reliable disc from Divergent! It’s got some dome on it but still feels great in the hand. When you release it you can expect it to travel straight with some reliable end fade. And of course, this great disc comes at a great price.
Check it out here!
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The Infinite Roman!
Flight Ratings: 10, 4, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.85 stars!
Notes: The Roman is another great forehand power driver. It’s great for a bit of distance while keeping your accuracy on point as well. As far as price is concerned, this disc is more of a symbol of getting any forehand-friendly disc from Infinite. Their I-Blend plastic is very affordable and high quality, AND they have a ton of X-Outs that have the same flight characteristics at a great price. Finally, don’t forget that they are constantly putting their own discs on sale. That combination can lead to a lot of value, and The Roman is a great place to start!
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The Prodigy A3
Flight Ratings: 4, 4, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.56 stars!
Notes: The Prodigy A3 is a great disc that is a favorite for forehand approach shots. Its subtle bead gives it a very comfortable hand feel for a lot of players (myself included). I love it’s extra stability which affords a little leniency when flexing a forehand around obstacles and nestling in close to the basket.
Also consider: Prodigy has a lot of X-outs at very affordable prices.
Check it out here!
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Best Forehand Discs if You Want to Try Something New!
The Elevation Binx
Flight Ratings: 8, 5, 0, 1 Average Rating: 4.8 stars!
Notes: With its ecoFLEX rubber blend and floppy, grippy feel, The Binx is certainly a unique disc. But once you get the hang of it and see all the lines it can hold, you’ll see why so many people rave about this disc. Then, when you watch your forehand with this soft disc stick under the basket you’ll be glad you’ve got it!
Also consider: The Elevation Gecko (9, 4, 0, 3.5) is a fun, overstable forehand-friendly disc that also features the same ecoFLEX blend!
Check it out here!
The Wild Discs Angler!
Flight Ratings: 4, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating: 4.83 stars!
Notes: The Angler is a great forehand-friendly disc that is perfect for players looking for an even more stable Zone-like disc. The lesser-known Wild Discs, is a 2020 Australian-based disc company that also donates some of their profits to wildlife preservation. They make great discs like The Angler so give them a look!
Check it out here!
This affiliate link let’s you See it on Amazon here!
The Kastaplast Rask!
Flight Ratings: 14, 3, 0, 4 Average Rating: 4.61 stars!
Notes: When Kastaplast created The Rask, were disc golfers clamoring for a 14-speed, drag-reducing “inner ridge” on the underside of their incredibly overstable disc? No. But that didn’t stop them did it? And as a result, we have a forehand fitting monster disc that is both novel and useful at the same time!
Also consider: K1 plastic is some of the best in disc golf.
Check it out here!
This affiliate link let’s you See it on Amazon here!
The Doomsday Land Mine!
Flight Ratings: 2, 2, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.5 stars!
Notes: If you don’t end up liking The Land Mine, don’t despair! It can also double as cover for Tupperware containers and small trash bins! At the very least, you should click to have a look at this lid of a disc (see comments). And while you are there, decide if you like novel, torque-resistant, flickable approach discs. If so, you might be in the “love” column of this Love it or Hate it disc!
Check it out here!
This affiliate link let’s you See it on Amazon here!
50+ Best Forehand Disc Golf Discs – In Summary!
There’s no doubt, in the end, that we have left off a disc that you favor. If so, let it be known in the comments! I’ll let you know if I left it off for a reason, or just missed it! Who knows, I might even add it to the post!
But whether your favorite is there or not, you have to admit, that’s a pretty extensive list of some very popular forehand disc golf discs in almost any category you can think of!
As always, we hope this post helps you out on the course. Having confidence in a few forehand-friendly discs can save some strokes and add a little fun to this great game of ours! We hope it has served you well and leads to results out on the course!
Thank you, as always, for reading our post on the best disc golf forehand discs! If you found value in this post, there are plenty more to come! Please consider subscribing to our free, infrequent newsletter. Those who do, are automatically entered in a raffle to win gift cards to Infinite Discs. You can also follow us on instagram and win products we give away after we review them!
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