
I get people asking me, “Hey Mr. Disc, how can we best support your midlife crisis?”

Well, you’ve come to the right place! And yes, this is probably a mid-life crisis of sorts. But, some day I’d love to do this full time. If you want to help, I won’t be asking for donations and I don’t have a Patreon account.

Nevertheless, below I’ve outlined some simple ways that you CAN help, and I thank you sincerely for your support!

Subscribe For Free!

If you haven’t already, subscribe to my monthly email list. The more traffic I get, the more I can attract bigger names in the disc golf community and continue to grow. It’s free to join and it only means that I’ll email you once every month or so with my latest posts for your consideration.

hand reaching out of laptop screen holding subscribe sign
Subscribe for free!

Also, starting NOW, anyone that subscribes will be eternally entered into a drawing to win gift cards to Infinite Discs. I’ll give two $50 cards to 2 of the first 100 subscribers. And if you don’t win, you’ll be entered into the next raffle for the first 500 subscribers and so on…

Subscribe now and increase your chances of winning! You can also increase your chances by doing the next step as well!

Spread the Word!

Do you have any social media accounts or any connections to other disc golfers? If so, tell others about this site. This just helps the site grow, so I can grow my numbers and attract bigger fish in the disc golf community.

If you post this site ( telling people to head over, to any of your social media platforms, I’ll add more tickets into the raffle for you! That’s just better odds of winning!

Buy Discs and other disc golf gear!

brown sitting dog beside open brown bag
Purchasing what you want using links from my site helps a great deal!

I use affiliate marketing to support my business. This means that whenever you buy something I get a small cut, at no extra cost to you. I direct traffic to Infinite Discs for their disc golfing needs. The reason I do this is because Infinite Discs sells just about anything you can think of related to disc golf.

So, if you have any disc golf purchases you want to make, use the following link for Infinite Discs and make your purchases! That’s it!

“Wait?” you ask, “All I have to do to help you is buy discs for myself?”

That’s right! And I thank you kindly for doing so from this link

Get Involved!

Here at DiscgolfAround, I’m trying to build a community for disc golfers to learn from one another and share insight. If you have something to say, I welcome you to share. Just keep it civil and we’ll be good!

Check out These Posts/Links!

The following posts give ideas on disc golf products to purchase. Check them out and if there is something that piques your interest, if you click on it and make the purchase, I’ll get a cut at no extra charge to you…

And if you don’t have a disc golf basket yet, go ahead and check out your options here!

Thank You!

A midlife crisis happens but once in a lifetime and I sincerely appreciate you supporting me through mine. If I can ever return the favor, please let me know!

It’s been a true pleasure catching the disc golf bug, meeting so many of you and being welcomed into this amazing community as well as building discgolfaround. I look forward to doing this for a long time and I thank you sincerely for supporting me, whether it’s spreading the word, buying from a link, or just a kind word, all along the way.

Be well and keep disc golf’n around with your lives!


Mr. Disc