Disc Golf Courses!

green grass field near body of water during daytime
Insert baskets and you’ve got an idyllic disc golf course on your hands!

Disc Golf Around was established in April 2022! And while I’m excited to get disc golf’n around the world, I’m equally as intrigued to discover the courses in my own back yard (I live in Western Massachusetts)!

Slowly, over time, I plan to review courses based on where my many travels bring me. This page will be a way to access the courses I’ve visited and reviewed.

In addition, if there is a course that you recommend for me to try, or you run a course you want me to review, don’t hesitate to reach out and contact me!

While you are there, go ahead and subscribe. It’s free, and you simply get an email with my latest disc golf content once a month. But you are also permanently entered into a raffle to win $50 gift cards to Infinite Discs. It’s win – win!