In today’s post, I share a very quick disc golf putting tip that has helped me keep my disc golf putts in line with the basket. Using this strategy I am even less likely to miss my putts left or right. This allows me to focus more on gauging distance so I can find the center of the basket. Let’s have a look and see if it will work for you as well.
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Having watched innumerable videos on disc golf putting, I know one universal truth: Each person’s putting style is unique to them.
Keeping that in mind, I try only to convey tips that don’t attempt to alter your personal putting technique, but can still add value and help you in your putting (I’ll share the others near the end of this post as well).
This tip has helped me a great deal and allowed me to focus on other parts of my routine when I’m putting. After all, we don’t want to be clogging our minds with too many thoughts on the putting green (or anywhere on the course for that matter).
I learned this one in ball-golf and it has translated to more made putts in disc golf as well. Let’s have a look!
Disc Golf Putting Line Tip

Like I said, this simple tip translates directly from ball-golf. It helped me in that game and helps me in this one as well.
Basically, the idea is rather simple when you think of it. All (most of) the writing on a golf ball is printed in a straight line. So, once I had read the putting green, I could point the writing in line with my putting line. Then, when I was standing over the ball I would know exactly in what direction I wanted to roll the ball. Then it was just a matter of getting the speed right.
The same thing can be true for a lot of the printing on discs. The name of the disc is printed in a straight line. So, with that in mind, here’s your simple disc putting tip to keep you in line:
Disc Golf Putting Tip to Keep You Lined up to your Target: When preparing to putt, line up the straight lettering on your putter directly in line with the line you would like your putter to go.

There it is! Simple as can be! One other thing I do to ensure I’m lined up is go through my putting motion and make sure that the writing line stays in line with my target (usually the center pole of the basket).
Once I feel lined up, I can set my mind on other parts of my putting routine and know that my alignment is taken care of.
What to look for in Practice
Do I still miss putts to the left and the right of the basket? Of course I do! I’m only human Harry! (Dumb and Dumber). But it’s far less than it used to be and I believe this tip is a big reason for that.

Nevertheless, there are other ways to use this tip so you can make sure your putt stays on line once you actually release it.
If I’m practicing and noticing my putts are going left or right, I like to pause my putting motion right before I would have released the putter. Then, when I’m looking down the line of the straight lettering, I can see which direction the line is pointing.
Often times, if I’m missing one way or another, I notice that my lettering is pointing in that direction as well.
And if you don’t have one already, I highly recommend purchasing a disc golf basket. Just by having one in my back yard I’ve gotten so much better and so much more confident in my putting in just 3 short months. Just yesterday I had an out-of-body experience and hit 19/20 from 25 feet (At the start I was hitting between 3-5 out of 20 from 25 feet).
My Favorite Putter (So Far!)
Alright Mr Disc (that’s me), what do I do if I don’t have “straight lettering” on my putter? Hmmm? What then?
Well, I guess it depends on how much you are missing right or left? I suppose you could try drawing a straight line (use a ruler!) on your putter? Then, if you think it’s helping you, maybe it’s time buy a new putter that does have that straight lettering on it?

If you do go that route, then I highly recommend one putter. I have many different putters I’ve tried and this one has risen to the top for me. That putter would be the Luna.
For me it just barrels through the air and tunnels right toward the basket most consistently. I’m planning on getting another very soon just because I like it so much. The heavier the better as well!
In addition, I have to say that I’m extremely impressed with how it flies on approach shots and even drives.
If I had to choose a putter for a one-disc round, I would choose the Luna without hesitation. I wrote a post on which disc to choose for a one disc round. It has two poll questions in it that I’d like your feedback on as well.
And, of course, the Luna has that straight line lettering guiding you right towards the center of the basket!
Other Putting Tips that Don’t alter your personal technique
Much like this putting tip, I have a few other putting tips that I consider to be “non-invasive” in nature as well. In other words, they don’t ask you to change your putting technique but they can help you putt better in the long run.
This first putting tip is one that I see used by many pros in the rounds I watch on Youtube. It has helped me, especially when I don’t have a lot of time to practice putting before a round.
This second one is more of an idea that might get you 1% better over the long haul (maybe more, maybe less!). It’s just an idea that I picked up from ball-golf that I use whenever possible. If nothing else, it may give you a slight boost in confidence which can also contribute to more putts made on the course as well.
Disc Golf Alignment Putting Tip – In Summary
We all know putting is very important. It can mean the difference between many strokes on the course. We also know that it can be detrimental to flood your mind with thoughts while you are trying to putt.
Finally, it comes as no surprise that putting your disc on a properly straight line is going to result in a lot more made putts.
Enter our disc golf putting tip for proper alignment: When preparing to putt, line up the straight lettering on your putter directly in line with the line you would like your putter to go.
Then, after a few practice strokes and reassuring yourself that you are, in fact, lined up properly, you can go about the rest of your routine without having to focus too much more on alignment.
As is the case with anything, practicing this tip will be instrumental in your success out on the course. If you don’t have one yet, I highly recommend a disc golf basket. I’ve gotten exponentially better at putting (I hit 19/20 from 25 feet yesterday!) in my 3.5 short months using a practice basket.
If you find it helpful, but don’t have a putter that works for it, I highly recommend the Luna. It’s my go-to putter and great for drives and approaches as well. I seriously doubt you’ll regret buying one.
But many other putters have this straight lettering as well. You can browse various putters by brand (and help support me at no extra cost to you) here.
Finally, if you found this helpful, then you may appreciate these “non-invasive” putting tips as well. For the one that helps on the course with little warm-up try this.
Also, this post is designed to potentially get you that little extra (1%)over the long haul.
Put them all together and you may start seeing serious improvements. If you do, I want to hear about it. Also, be sure to share other tips you find helpful as well. It may result in another post!
In the meantime, keep at your putting and lowering those scores out on the course! And for crying out loud, keep those putts in line!
Thanks for reading everybody. I sincerely hope that you find this helpful with your alignment. This tip has helped me a lot and I’m confident it will help others as well. Let me know your thoughts on this, or anything else putting related in the comments below. For other insights and entertainment, please consider subscribing as well. It’s obviously free, and I sure as hell don’t spam. By subscribing you simply get my posts delivered to your inbox about once per month and we can start creating a community here at Disc Golf Around (established April, 2022). In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you out on the course!