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Doomsday Discs – An Introduction
Doctor Death does not play by your rules.
Plain and simple.
He sneers at safe and spits at convention.
But I ask you, if you knew THE END was near, would you play by the rules?
I wouldn’t recommend it. And neither would Doctor Death.
As a result, Doomsday Discs has come out with a unique and intriguing line of discs that don’t follow the normal conventions of disc golf. They are pushing barriers and introducing new ideas into the disc golf world. They also bring their own distinct aesthetic with artistic plastics and stamps.

And refreshingly, they’re not afraid of what people think about it. They’ll send their unique molds for review (as they did with us) and let the chips fall where they may.
But isn’t it always the way? Once you let your guard down and become true to yourself, that is when others respond best to you?
That’s what is happening with Doomsday Discs. They have an incredibly loyal and growing street team that is outspoken in their unabashed support of all things Doomsday.
And for good reason! Doomsday has a fun, unique line of discs and gear that we’re going to point out and review for you.
But first, let’s look a little closer at Doctor Death and this apocalyptic-prepping company we call Doomsday Discs!
Doomsday Discs – A Little Background
First off, many thanks to Doctor Death and all of that, but good luck getting a straight answer out of him. When I asked him when Doomsday started, he went on a lengthy detour about the September 1859 Carrington event during Solar Cycle 10, magnetic pole reversals, CMEs and more…
Eventually, I think he took mercy on me and let me know that Doomsday Discs released its first disc, The Plague, in April of 2022.
From then until now, they have been working tirelessly to create 31 new molds (to date). Some of these molds are conventional, and some are absolutely not. When I asked Doctor Death about the “meme discs” concept, this is what he had to say:
“We’re happy to produce “meme” discs, but really, those are simply discs that break the norms of standard disc design. The PDGA has always tried to limit what can be used in competitive, sanctioned play, but there is still some room within those limitations to create discs that don’t look, feel, or fly quite like other discs. Why not have a boxy disc that flies wonderfully and then hits the breaks and falls before overshooting the target and gliding into a pond? Why not make a disc that fades the moment it leaves your hand so that you can make a sharp fade around a stand of trees in which you’re otherwise trapped? Why not have grooves on the top of a driver instead of just a dog-disc putter? Why not do something different? If you want a disc that flies like a Teebird…well…there’s probably 100 of those already. Sure, we’ll toss another entry into that pile, but we might as well have some fun while we’re at it.”
–Doctor Death
They also have an incredibly stylistic line of apparel as well as plenty of other gear to fully equip their team.
I guess when you know that the end is imminent, you keep very busy. And to some degree, I’m sure the weight of the upcoming apocalypse is quite burdensome. Doctor Death is not just looking after himself. He wants to ensure, that when it does occur, his entire loyal army of Doomsday Discs Street Teamers, will be able to emerge from their bunkers and play some apocalyptic disc golf in the place the rest of us once called home…
The Doomsday Discs Street Team
As I’ve already stated, The Doomsday Street Team is as loyal as they come. I’m sure they are thankful knowing they’ll be taken care of when the time comes.

As a result, they are hugely supportive of Doomsday Discs and show their loyalty in many ways. They wear the gear, they throw the discs, they help sell out limited releases almost instantaneously. In addition, they are always vocal about their support of all things Doomsday.
You can learn all about the street team and joining Team Doomsday here if you are interested.
The love is not a one way street either. Here’s what Doctor Death had to say on the matter.
“Team Doomsday is the most devoted and passionate disc golf brand “street team” on the planet. If you take a chance and make bold moves, there’s usually somebody who will appreciate what you’re doing. So, the brand is really theirs. It’s for them, driven by them, and they call the shots. You reap what you throw.”
Let’s now take a look at some of these “bold moves” in the way of discs. We’ll rank putters through distance drivers as well as approach discs, and even some of these “meme” discs as well…
Best Doomsday Discs Midranges!
Why start with midranges?
Because Doomsday crushes the midrange game, that’s why. And normally, midranges don’t get the love they deserve. So let’s start here. After this review, it’s definitely time to upgrade our Best Midranges by Every Category post. Doomsday will have to have more than a few entries!
If you like a little extra stability in your mid, like we do, Desolation is the one for you. It’s a 5, 5, 0, 2 that holds a straight line and comes through with a reliable fade at the end of its flight.
Get it on Infinite here!
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This 5, 4, -1, 1 Despair does it all. It can give you a nice straight line with limited fade or can hold some steeper anhyzer or hyzer lines to get you out of trouble and close to the basket. No wonder, after 7 reviews it’s still a perfect 5.0 rating!
For a similarly excellent midrange experience check out: Wasteland (5, 4, 0, 1 4.83 stars) or Flat Earth (5, 5, -1, 0 4.69 stars)
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The Scavenger is a beautiful, finesse midrange that is incredibly workable in many ways. Hyzer-flip to straight, bend it around obstacles, or use it to make long range, floaty bids on the basket!
Get it on Infinite here!
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That’s five listed right there and we haven’t even gotten to all the great ones! These others, we’re going to file under “approach discs” so we don’t get too redundant. Let’s look!
Best Doomsday Approach Discs!
Similar to their midranges, Doomsday Discs has some top-notch approach options. With an approach shot, it’s about finding what you are comfortable with and choosing the right disc for a given shot.
Doomsday has some really nice approach options for you, depending on the shot you want to execute. Let’s look!
Area 51!
With flight numbers of 4, 3, 0, 2.5 and a shallow depth, this is a really nice overstable approach disc for both forehand or backhand shots. You can put a move on it without worrying you’re going to overcook it. Area 51 can handle plenty of angles and you can feel confident it will finish with a reliable fade!
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If you want to put a disc at extreme angles and know it’s going to come out for you, Crisis is your disc. It has every bit of its 4, 2, 0, 4 overstable flight rating. You can weave it through trees or get to the basket with some harsh angles and big skips around obstacles. It’s an impressive disc!
Get it on Infinite here!
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Depth Charge!
At first glance, given it’s unique shape, you’ll wonder if you are throwing a disc or a pie pan. But when you want to feel confident that you won’t overshoot the basket and will throw it straight, backhand or forehand, with a reliable, yet subtle, fade, Depth Charge gets it done!
For its wider-rimmed, alternate-plastic cousin try The Land Mine!
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The Scope helps you laser in on the basket with a unique rim that you need to experience to completely understand and appreciate! With a flight rating of 4, 4, 0, 2 The Scope is a nice, reliable approach midrange that will give you straight flights, wind resistance and a reliable fade.
Get it on Infinite here!
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Top Doomsday Discs Fairway Drivers!
Now that we’ve set you up with some amazing mids and approach discs to help you zero in on the basket, let’s stretch it out a bit with some excellent control drivers.
Doomsday Discs has your conventional, and less conventional options that will give the shot shape that you need!
Do you have an 8-speed slot that could be filled in your bag? If so, The Blackout is a great option! With flight numbers of 8, 5, -2, 1 this disc can give you plenty of flight paths. Whether it’s turnovers, long, gentle anhyzers, hyzer-flips, or a nice, subtle S-curve, The Blackout gets it done!
For a 7-speed with similar traits, try The newer Chemtrail!
Get The Blackout on Infinite here!
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Ice Age
Ice Ages pay no mind to winds or powers inflicted on them. They hold steady and consistent until the thaw. So it is with Doomsday’s Ice Age, except substitute “thaw” for “fade” which is substantial. (Flight Rating: 7, 4, 0, 3).
Get it on Infinite here!
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Solar Death Ray!
Ever struggle to grip a disc, especially in inclement weather conditions? The Solar Death Ray might be a match. It’s a straight-flying 8-speed (8, 5, -1, 1) with “ridges” on the top of the flight plate to help you get a better grip. Yet another fun innovation from Doomsday Discs!
Get it on Infinite here!
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Best Doomsday Discs Distance Drivers!
From the tee box, Doomsday gives you a multitude of options for reliable distance and consistent flights.
They also have some absolutely outlandish (and fun) discs that are certain to get your card mates chatting.
For this section, we’ll give you those reliable, consistent ones, but we’ll be sure to bring the fun later on!
Dystopia is a gorgeous, reliable 10-speed (10, 5, -2, 2)that brings a lot of versatility to your bag. It’s good for straight shots, long turnovers or long anhyzers out of trouble. It also helps players of all skill levels get some pretty effortless controlled distance.
Get it on Infinite here!
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With a flight rating of 11, 5, -1, 2 The Cataclysm helps you attain consistent distance with the control you desire. It doesn’t take big rips to put a move on this disc and it’s inclined to give you the turn so you can get the full flight out of it and place it far down the fairway.
Get it on Infinite here!
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Not long ago (relatively speaking) The Plague was Doomsday Discs’ first entry into the disc golf world. And with a flight rating of 12, 5, -1, 2.5 this disc is made to go places! It’s an overstable workhorse driver for both forehand and backhand big distance and reliable fade!
Get it on Infinite here!
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Top Doomsday Discs Putters!
We’ve touched upon some of Doomsday’s lineup of putters already with some of the discs we featured in the section on approach discs.
But, there are more still that you can throw off the tee or use when you’re inside the circles.
The Rot is a very versatile putter from Doomsday Discs. It’s got a really nice hand feel and that translates well to driving off the tee or making a run at the chains. It’s somewhat flat-topped, beaded and comes with a 2, 4, 0, 1 flight rating. A nice all-around putter!
Get it on Infinite here!
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The Bleak (2, 4, 0, 1) is another in Doomsday’s lineup that can be used off the tee or as your putting putter. For putting, it has nice glide mixed with stability to keep you on line with the chains. For throwing, it extends that straight line out from distance and gives you consistent, smooth drives.
Get it on Infinite here!
For a the slightly less stable cousin of Bleak, check out Gloom!
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Favorite “Meme” Discs from Doomsday!
We’ve already heard Doctor Death’s thoughts on “meme” discs, and we’ve already listed some of the discs that could fit that category as viable options for players out on the course.
This list could probably be better categorized as “fun” discs. They may or may not be PDGA approved and their utility is arguable (for some more than others). They could also be good for a laugh and some intrigue on the course, like you might get with this first one.
Holy Stability Batman! This 13, 1, 1, 6 disc may fly more like a tree stump than a typical disc, but it’s good for a laugh and to hand over to your friends to rip on. Then, when you have the most extreme angled shot imaginable, you can pull out The Apocalypse and execute!
Get it on Infinite here!
For a 15-speed, non-PDGA approved, behemoth check out WMD!
Bunker Buster!
Massive in both diameter and weight, the Bunker Buster is sure to spark some conversation on the course (or least a double-take). But it is PDGA approved and flies consistently straight with a matching consistent fade. It’s 7,4,0,2 flight rating seems very consistent with its actual flight.
Get it on Infinite here!
In addition to the above discs, as well as Land Mine, Depth Charge, and Proximity Mine (in the same family), which we’ve already discussed, here are some other potential “meme” discs!
Abomination – At the time of this post, this is the newest entry which is categorized as a fairway driver described by Infinite as “an interesting disc with unique characteristics”
Frag – With 5,2,0,5 flight numbers The Frag is probably best categorized as an extremely overstable utility disc!
Doomsday Discs – In Summary

Okay, so the end is near. Let’s think logically for a moment here. Are you going to idly sit by and watch it all hit the fan? Or, are you going to take the necessary precautions? If you do the latter, you might want to start following Doctor Death and Doomsday Discs. He seems to have a pretty good handle on things.
And if he is wrong, what’s the worst that happens? I’ll tell you what: You’ll end up with some pretty sweet discs and gear that we’ve outlined for you.
If he’s right, however? I shudder to even think about it.
I just hope you have read this before it’s too late…
At the very least, if your preparations prove to be futile, I recommend you heed the advice of Doctor Death:
Go down throwing.
Thank you all for reading our post on Doomsday Discs! Feel free to comment below on any of your favorite items in the Doomsday lineup! Be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter and Follow us on Instagram!
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