In today’s post, we have a list for you of the very best beginner disc golf discs that will stay in your bag for life! Set yourself up for success now and down the road with these great discs. Enjoy!
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Best Beginner Discs – Introduction
Being a beginner in disc golf, as in any other venture, can be mind numbing. People are tossing around wacky words and flight numbers, and it can feel like a foreign language.
In addition, you’re new (Welcome btw! You’ve chosen a great activity with great people and we hope you enjoy!), and presumably you’re not all that good…yet! (Disc golf is an easier sport to make improvements in quickly so don’t get discouraged!)
And being the helpful, welcoming people that we are, disc golfers want to help. So we give out advice. Some is good, and some is not so good. But either way, it’s a lot to take on.
We can give advice on form, shot selection, putting mechanics, putting mindset, wind factors, slope, and countless other things.
And then there’s the disc selection. What disc should you be throwing, why and when.

That’s where this post comes in. I do writing and editing for Infinite Discs, which has just about every disc that is sold, and I’ve read through them all, and thrown quite a bit as well!
One thing about “beginner discs” that I don’t like is that there is an implication that you will have to ditch them when you improve. A lot of times, it can be the plastic type (usually the cheapest base plastic) that will necessitate this.
I am going to try my very best to outline discs and plastics that you can buy now, as a beginner, and continue to use throughout your long and very illustrious disc golf career.
I’ll lay out some great discs for you and make plastic recommendations as well!
Let’s get you some basic information and then check out the list of the best beginner disc golf discs in the game!
Explanations for Beginners!
For most of the discs I lay out, I’m also going to explain how beginners can get the most out of them. It’s helpful to know what each disc is intended to do so you don’t get frustrated when it flies unexpectedly.
As you get more comfortable in the game, you’ll be able to intrinsically understand the flight numbers better.
And it’s my belief/hope that as you improve you won’t need to kick these discs out of your bag.
As You Improve…
I tried very hard to choose discs that you can continue to use throughout your career.
With that in mind, I also plan to outline how you can grow into these discs.
As disc golfers evolve and improve they have more types of shots at their disposal. I will also outline what each disc can be used for down the line, when you quickly become an intermediate player or above.
A Brief Word on Plastics
In general, most discs are made in premium, midgrade and base plastics.
These plastics can have a drastic impact on how the disc flies. To help others more easily understand all the plastics, I wrote a post in which I compared each manufacturer’s plastic to Innova’s if you want to check it out here.

Usually, the cheaper the plastic, the easier it flies for a beginner.
BUT, those cheap discs get beat up VERY EASILY and become somewhat unusable rather quickly. That won’t allow you to keep these beginner-friendly discs in the bag for a long time.
One thing to note is that as discs break in (from hitting trees, rocks, and general wear and tear) discs become more beginner friendly as well. So, if you are patient, and buy these discs in a better plastic, you can keep them around for a long, long time in your bag!
Will it cost you more for better plastics? Yes. But, because you won’t have to buy so many more discs down the line, it could end up saving you money in the long run.
Whatever the case, I will make plastic recommendations for each disc and you can use them if you like.
A Quick Note on Stability
In the previous section of plastics I said that cheaper plastics were more “beginner friendly”.
All that is really just code for being more “understable” which is a disc’s ability to turn in the air.
Example: Right Hand Backhand (RHBH) throws, because of their spin, have a tendency to want to finish left. Most RHBH throws will fly and then hook to the left at the end.
An understable disc, thrown RHBH, will have a tendency to drift to the right in the air, before finishing left. This makes an “S” shaped flight. The more understable it is, the more likely it is to drift to the right.
For beginners, this “understability” is valued because it helps keep the disc in the air longer. But as you improve, and your speed and spin increases, this can almost be a detriment for some throws with such understable discs.
This is why I recommend getting good plastics, but I’m also NOT going to ONLY RECOMMEND UNDERSTABLE STUFF. For each disc, I’ll outline the stability because you are going to want to have varying stabilities in your bag as you evolve as a player.
Another general idea to be aware of is that the “speed” (the first flight number) of the disc affects stability as well. The speed tells you how fast you have to throw it in order to get it to behave the way it was intended in the air.
Speed does not equal distance. (A very common trap beginners fall into). And in general, the “faster” a disc is, the more stable (less beginner friendly) it will behave for you.
Finally, in general, the heavier the disc, the more stable it is as well.
For more info on speed, glide and stability, check out the post I mentioned before on flight numbers.
You’ve been very patient and it’s time! Here are some Great Discs for Beginners That Will Stay in Your Bag!
Great Putters For Beginners!
It is my belief that a lot of newer players to disc golf think that you drive with drivers, then go to fairway drivers and midranges and put it in the basket with the putter.
That makes sense because it follows the logic of traditional golf, or “ball golf” as we like to call it.
But, if you listen to the best players, so many of them recommend that you learn to throw with your putters, because it teaches you what’s working and not working with your throw.
So, with that in mind, I’ll have separate sections for throwing putters, approach putters and putting putters!
For putting putters, I certainly have ideas, but so many people tell you that it’s based on personal preference, confidence and feel that it’s hard to definitively say that one putter is better than another for putting.
What people DO agree on, is that practice is the Best way to get better.
To facilitate practicing I highly recommend owning a portable disc golf basket. I went ahead and made a page dedicated to the Best Disc Golf Baskets for your practicing needs. Give it a look if you are serious about improving!
Basically, as far as putters are concerned, you should putt with what feels best to YOU.
Nevertheless, I have some putting putters that A LOT of people think very highly of and I’ll highlight them as well. You have to start somewhere right?
Great Putting Putters!
These putting putters are tried and true and valued by disc golfers of all skill levels.
What we are trying to do here is find a putter that is good for you. I myself, have tried so many putters thinking one will magically find chains every time, but the truth of the matter is that you want to find one that feels good AND you have to practice with it a lot. (A personal basket helps tremendously with this!)
But here are some that myself and others really appreciate.
I’ll outline how deep it is (depending on your hand size this may matter), average rating on Infinite (out of 5 stars) and whether it has a bead (a small ridge some people (myself included) like to rest their pointer finger in when they putt).
Let’s go!
The Infinite Alpaca!
Flight Rating: 3, 3, 0, 1 Average Rating: 4.87 Stars
Depth: Deep Bead? Beadless
Other Notes: People absolutely swear by this putter! This disc, in their base plastic (which is often preferred for putting) can be had at a great price as well!
Check out The Alpaca!
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The DGA Steady BL!
Flight Rating: 2, 4, 0, 2 Average Rating: 5.0 Stars
Depth: Deep Bead? Beadless
Other Notes: The Steady BL is used as a putting putter by some of the top putters in the world. It’s also beginner friendly and can also double as a throwing disc as well!
Try The Steady BL!
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The Gateway Wizard!
Flight Rating: 2, 3, 0, 2 Average Rating: 4.72 Stars
Depth: Deep Bead? Beaded
Other Notes: The beaded Wizard, from Gateway, has a cult-like following in disc golf, and those that support it absolutely love it! In terms of plastics, they have many, but basically know that “soft” isn’t very soft or flexible at all. It’s kind of hard actually. If you like softer, more flexible discs, the more S’s the softer! These come in Soft (hard), Super Soft (SS), Super Stupid Soft (SSS) and all the way to 4S which is floppy in the hand.
Conjure up The Wizard! And, if you would like the shallower, version of the Wizard, you can also try Gateway’s highly touted Chief!
The Viking Rune!
Flight Rating: 2, 4, 0, 0 Average Rating: 4.8 Stars
Depth: Somewhat Shallow Bead? Beaded
Other Notes: The Rune, from Viking is very highly rated and for good reason. It’s a point and shoot putter that is about as straight as they come for throwing as well. Great for players of all skill levels.
Try out The Rune!
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The Bluebonnet!
Flight Rating: 2, 3, 0, 1 Average Rating: 5.0 Stars
Depth: Medium Bead? Beadless
Other Notes: This highly rated disc, in Victor and Victor 2 plastics, which is recommended for putting, also floats in water! Just a little more confidence for putting and throwing to baskets by the water!
Check out The Bluebonnet!
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The Sparta!
Flight Rating: 2, 4, 0, 1 Average Rating: 5.0 Stars!
Depth: Deep Bead? Beadless
Other Notes: This disc closely approximates the classic Innova Aviar putter. It’s very straight, but I happen to really like the hand feel of it’s base plastic (and others agree) for this better than the Aviar. It also has a high glide which can be helpful for beginners as well!
Check out The Sparta!
That’s a good start! I tried to give you putters with different depths, beads and hand feels. Someday in the near future I’ll outline all the best putting putters I’ve come across. If you want to be there for that you can subscribe to my free, no-spam newsletter where I update periodically on my latest posts and even automatically and permanently enter you in raffle to win $50 Gift Cards to Infinite Discs! Subscribe Now!
Great Throwing Putters!
More than being great throwing putters for beginners, these are just great throwing putters period… for all levels.
Pick one or two of these and expect it to be in your bag for a long, long time!
Here, more than the putting putters, I’ll be sure to recommend a plastic as well.
Let’s Begin!
The TSA Praxis!
Flight Numbers 3, 3, 0, 1 Average Rating 4.94 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Aura, Ethos or my personal favorite Ethereal (best of both worlds. Durable, grippy and pretty)
Other Notes: This beadless disc is one of the greatest throwing putters on the market. You can use this off the tee and for approaches from 200 feet and in. It’s got excellent balance of stability and can be used forehand and backhand. For throwing, I highly recommend the premium plastics highlighted above.
Check out The Praxis!
The Infinite Tomb!
Flight Numbers 3, 4, 0, 1 Average Rating 4.88 stars!
Recommended Plastics: C-Blend; S-Blend; G-Blend (X-outs are a really good deal as well. )
Other Notes: This beaded, shallow, throwing putter is a real gem! It glides smoothly right towards the basket with an ever so subtle turn. I have this in C-blend glow and with it’s great hand-feel I use it a lot for putting as well!
Get The Tomb Here!
The MVP Nomad!
Flight Numbers 2, 4, 0, 1 Average Rating 4.92 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Plasma, Neutron or Eclipse (Eclipse is a midgrade that costs less and beats in more easily)
Other Notes: The Nomad is another stable throwing putter that is very consistent, user-friendly, and straight with reliable fade at the very end. Also, many people love this as a putting putter so there is 2 for 1 potential here!
Get The Nomad!
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The Latitude 64 Pure!
Flight Numbers 3, 3, -1, 1 Average Rating 4.77 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Gold Line or Opto for throwing. Zero for putting.
Other Notes: The Pure is a great straight shooter for beginners and as your game evolves you can shape it and turn it as well. It’s beadless and yet another throwing putter that people enjoy for putting as well.
Check out The Pure!
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The Axiom Envy!
Flight Numbers 3, 3, 0, 2 Average Rating 4.87 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Neutron, Plasma, or Proton.
Other Notes: If you are a beginner reading this you probably know, but may not have heard of this disc’s most famous shot? If not, here it is! Either way, this disc is not a one-trick-pony! It’s a gorgeous, shot-shaping phenom, that disc golfers universally agree is a fantastic driving putter. It’s got great stability and its versatility make it an excellent choice for a one-disc round!
Try The Envy!
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All told, those are some excellent throwing putters for you to choose from! These discs are keepers and you’ll be happy to have one or two for a long time to come!
Now, we’re going vary up our stabilities, and look at some approach/utility discs you’ll appreciate!
Great Approach & Utility Discs For Beginners!
Let’s be real. If you are somewhat new to the game, you are probably going to find yourself in the woods or “away from your intended landing spot” quite a bit.
For this reason, you are going to need some discs that will get you out of tight spots.
They are going to have to fly at odd angles, and you are going to need to trust them to do what you want.
That’s what I’ve got for you next! Some will be understable and you’ll be able to angle them opposite to a disc’s natural flight (anhyzer). Some will be quite stable and you’ll be able to start them on one steep angle, and know they will turn back and finish in the other way (a flex shot).
These discs will get you around tight corners and safely back into play. Let’s start with some understable fliers that you can use in other contexts too!
Understable Approach/Utility Discs!
The Prodigy PA-5!
Flight Numbers 3, 4, -2, .5 Average Rating 5.0 stars!
Recommended Plastics: 500, 400 or even 300 for putting and close range shots.
Other Notes: The PA-5 will bend around close corners, and also makes for a great straight flying disc for beginners. It has very nice glide and people use this beaded beauty for long-range putts as well! No list of best beginner disc golf discs would be complete without the PA-5!
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The Yikun Kang!
Flight Numbers 3, 5, -2, 0 Average Rating 4.94 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Any plastic but I prefer Dragon Line. (Tiger Line is best for close range as it beats in quickly.)
Other Notes: Yikun is a company that makes nice discs at a good price. The Kang has very high glide and effortlessly bends around obstacles. It’s perfect for touchy, finesse shots. It’s also great for straight shots, and eventually turnover shots as you progress.
Check out The Kang!
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The Momentum Gain!
Flight Numbers 2, 5, -3, 1 Average Rating N/A
Recommended Plastics: Prominent for longer life and better looks, Eminent Stiff for close range use (which is where this disc shines).
Other Notes: Sometimes you just want to be different. And you won’t find flight numbers like this very often. The Gain is a close-range gliding specialist. It is made to get you out of tight spots, but can also be a chain-seeker from moderate distances!
Get The Gain!
The Gain!

Overstable Approach Discs!
The next discs won’t commonly be found on a list of best beginner disc golf discs.
But sometimes you need to ask a lot of a disc from close range. You need it to start out going one direction to get around a tree and then quickly turn back the other way to finish at the basket.
This is where an overstable approach disc is invaluable.
And really, the first two have set the standard and all other companies are following suit. But those other companies have some nice ones as well I can outline for you.
Get one of these and make it a point to learn how it flies. You’ll be glad you did when the need arises.
The Discraft Zone!
Flight Numbers 4, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating 4.89 stars!
Recommended Plastics: My Favorite is Big Z FLX! But any Z, or ESP will serve you well!
Other Notes: The Zone is the gold standard for overstable approaches. You can use it backhand and forehand and put on some really steep angles only to watch it come right out. It’s also great for headwinds and approach shots. You won’t regret owning one of these!
Get The Zone!
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The Westside Harp!
Flight Numbers 4, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating 4.72 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Any VIP or Tournament plastics.
Other Notes: The Harp is another giant in the game if you wanted to try something different than the Zone. It has the same flight numbers and flies very similarly as well, so you can’t go wrong here either!
Play The Harp!
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The Kastaplast Jarn!
Flight Numbers 4.5, 3, 0, 3 Average Rating 4.93 stars!
Recommended Plastics: K1 is some of the most revered plastic in the game. K3 is a great midgrade!
Other Notes: The Jarn is like a slightly faster, higher glide, less severe Zone. Use it forehand or backhand to great effect. Some people also prefer the hand feel for this disc. With 4.93 stars, it’s certainly a crowd pleaser.
Try out The Jarn!
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The Lonestar Copperhead (With Thumbtrack)!
Flight Numbers 3, 4, 0, 2 Average Rating 4.8 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Alpha, Bravo or Victor (which is slightly less durable but floats!)
Other Notes: The Copperhead is not as overstable and is more for longer approach shots than the other discs. Still, I definitely wanted to feature a great, well-liked approach disc with a thumbtrack (a raised ridge on top for enhanced grip (see image)). Use it forehand or backhand and know it’ll coil back for you when you need it.
Test The Copperhead!
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Great Midrange Discs For Beginners!
I’m breaking this section into two parts. Great beginner-friendly midranges and great all-purpose midranges.
The All-Purpose midranges are just tried and true, and you’ll want to have one of those in your bag.
If you got an overstable approach disc above, you won’t need an overstable mid as well (for now, or maybe ever). So, with that in mind, I won’t include those below.
Let’s start with the tried and trues!
Best All-Purpose Midranges
The following discs are strong candidates for one disc rounds. You will also find them in the bags of many advanced level and pro-level player’s bags (as well as intermediate and beginners!). Many are also, it just so happens, very straight flying discs. If this appeals to you check out this post we did on The Best Straight Flying Discs in Disc Golf!
These are tried and true great discs and I think it’s worth your while to have one of these in your bag.
Let’s take a look!
The Discraft Buzzz!
Flight Numbers 5, 4, -1, 1 Average Rating 4.8 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Any Z-Line or ESP plastics
Other Notes: The Buzzz is the Gold standard for midranges and an absolute classic! It holds so many lines that you put it on and can take forehand or backhand throws with ease. With a slightly wider diameter, some people with smaller hand might not like the feel.
Get The Buzzz! For a more beginner-friendly version, The Buzzz SS is great as well!
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The MVP Reactor!
Flight Numbers 5, 5, -.5, 1.5 Average Rating 4.86 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Eclipse 2.0 (best Glow in Disc Golf); Neutron; Proton.
Other Notes: The Reactor is another all-purpose workhorse that you can pull out for most shots on the course. It’s slightly more stable than the Buzzz (especially in Eclipse 2.0 plastic) but that’s not a bad thing to have in your bag as you progress. This is a fantastic, all-around disc, you’ll absolutely keep in the bag for life!
Check Out The Reactor!
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The TSA Pathfinder
Flight Numbers 5, 5, 0, 1 Average Rating 4.86 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Ethereal, Aura, Ethos and TSA Glow (Same Glow Plastic as MVP (Read: The best!))
Other Notes: The Pathfinder is laser beam straight with a hint of fade at the end of its flight. It also, in my opinion as well as the opinion of others, has one of the best hand-feels in disc golf. Put it all together, and you’ve got yourself an amazing all purpose midrange to keep in your bag for your entire career!
Discover The Pathfinder!
Great Beginner-Friendly Midranges!
Here are the discs that will be more friendly to beginners but can still stay in the bag as you level up!
These are all great discs that help you to get a full flight early and help you navigate the course with precision as you improve!
Let’s look!
The Clash Discs Peach!
Flight Numbers 4, 5, -2, 1 Average Rating 4.88 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Steady or Sunny
Other Notes: I did a review of Clash Discs and they have some of the best plastics/discs in the game. The Peach is one such disc that is perfect for beginners. It goes nice and straight with minimal effort and shots with it are easily shaped as you improve.
Get Yourself The Peach!
The Discraft Meteor!
Flight Numbers 5, 5, -3, 1 Average Rating 4.72 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Any Z-Line or ESP plastics.
Other Notes: Being as understable as it is, The Meteor is great for beginners learning to effortlessly throw straight shots. The hand-feel is really nice to a lot of people, and the disc can evolve in its shot shaping as you do the same with your game!
Get on The Meteor! For an even flippier, more beginner-friendly experience, The Archer, from Discraft, is a lot of fun for players of all levels and very highly rated at 4.81 stars!
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The TSA Mana!
Flight Numbers 5, 5, -2, 1 Average Rating 5.0 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Ethereal, Aura, or TSA Glow (Best Glow in Disc Golf (but also slightly more stable)).
Other Notes: The Mana, from Thought Space Athletics (TSA), is a gorgeous disc that is great for players of all levels and it’s certainly a wonderful disc for beginners. It flies nice and straight without needing a lot of power. It also was a great balance of stability that makes it perfect for shot-shaping as you improve your game.
Get The Mana!
Fantastic Fairway Drivers for Beginners!
Fairway drivers can be a lot of fun to take out on the course.
For many beginners, you probably should stop here and use your fairways, midranges and putters before you even think about the idea of a distance driver.
And as the speed of the disc (the first number in the flight ratings) increases, the ability for the beginner to get the disc to fly the way it was intended, goes down.
So, with that in mind, I’ll go up one speed at a time (6, 7, 8, 9, etc.) and you can decide what speeds work for you.
Let’s get into it!
Quickly, before I go any further, I wanted to at least mention the Innova Leopard. This is classic “first driver” for beginners. I don’t necessarily recommend it (though I think it’s a solid disc) because A. It’s not highly rated B. I don’t think it stays in people’s bags. and C. I like other discs with similar flight characteristics better (Like the next disc). However, if you are interested, you can check it out for yourself here.
6- Speed: The RPM Piwakawaka!
Flight Numbers 6, 6, -3, 0 Average Rating 4.79 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Atomic, Cosmic, or RPM Glow
Other Notes: I am just putting the finishing touches on a review I did for RPM discs in New Zealand, which I’ll link to shortly (subscribe!). Bottom line, their discs are fantastic (as well as their story!) And this disc is no exception. The Piwakawaka is somewhat of a hybrid between midrange and fairway driver, but it flips up to flat, carries arrow straight and glides like you read about (Check out this post on Best Discs with High Glide! )! It’s a great disc that eventually becomes a great shot shaper as you progress!
Get The Piwakawaka!
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7-Speed: The Clash Discs Soda!
Flight Numbers 7, 5, -2, 2 Average Rating 5.0 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Steady, then Sunny
Other Notes: The Soda, is hands down, one of my favorite discs in my bag. For beginners, it’s nice and glidey and easy to flip up for effortless distance. As you progress, this disc does it all! It’s so shapable, even at higher speeds and torques, and can get you out of a lot jams on the course! I lost it once and was absolutely distraught. And when it was returned (always make the effort to return lost discs!), I was elated because it’s such a gem!
Get The Soda!
7-Speed: The Infinite Centurion
Flight Numbers 7, 5, -1, 2 Average Rating 4.88 stars!
Recommended Plastics: S-Blend, C-Blend (most stable) G-Blend, and I-Blend (Best quality for price in disc golf (and most flippy of the options))
Other Notes: The Centurion is a do-it-all disc that fits for players of all levels. You could argue it’s not the most beginner-friendly (though is still pretty friendly) but it’s the very next step up from true beginner and is so versatile (forehand, backhand, hyzer-flip, turnover, scrambling, etc) and also goes right where you point it, that you can use it for life.
Check out The Centurion!
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7-Speed: The Eurodisc Transporter!
Flight Numbers 7, 6, -2, 1 Average Rating 4.25 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Selection Plastic
Other Notes: I did a review of Eurodisc, which is a newer company making a push to incorporate bioplastics into our fantastic sport. As part of the review, I got to try this perfect driver for beginners. I’ve seen first hand how this disc elevated the game of a pure beginner I was playing with. It gets easy glide and distance and is simple to control.
Check out The Transporter!
8-Speed On-A-Budget: Divergent Tiyanek or Kraken!
Flight Numbers T:8,5,-5,1 & K: 8,5,-2,2 Average Rating 4.5 stars
Recommended Plastics: Max Grip or Max Flex
Other Notes: These are separate discs from Divergent. The Tiyanek and The Kraken are both 8-speeds that are beginner-friendly and are at a great price point. The Tiyanek is super understable and a great disc for the pure beginner to get distance with. After you learn to throw, however, it might not stay in the bag (except for rollers). The Kraken is still a nice friendly disc that has a lot more use as you improve your game (but maybe not as much right away). If you want an 8-speed for your beginner bag, both of these will serve you well!
Check out The Tiyanek & The Kraken!
9-Speed: The TSA Mantra!
Flight Numbers 9, 6, -2, 1 Average Rating 4.85 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Ethereal (personal favorite), Aura, or Ethos
Other Notes: Along with the Soda (mentioned above) The Mantra is the other contender for favorite disc. It’s effortless distance with beautiful flights and a great hand feel. And did I mention it actually lives up to the 6-glide rating? This disc is a true gem that will stay in your bag start to finish.
Get The Mantra!
9-Speed: The Infinite Sphinx!
Flight Numbers 9, 6, -3, 1 Average Rating 4.90 stars!
Recommended Plastics: S-Blend, G-Blend, C-Blend or I-Blend (Best bang for buck in disc golf!)
Other Notes: At the time of this post, The Sphinx has 163 Reviews and if you give it a 3-star or lower you will be the first! What can I say, people (myself included) rave about this disc. It gives easy, controlled distance for a beginner, and morphs into a hyzer-flip, shapable, gliding, turning monster for intermediate players and above! This disc holds a permanent residence on any list of best beginner disc golf discs that I will ever create!
Get The Sphinx!
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9-Speed: The RPM Pekapeka!
Flight Numbers 9, 5, -3, 1 Average Rating 4.65 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Atomic, RPM Glow, Cosmic
Other Notes: The Pekapeka, from RPM Discs, is extremely beginner friendly disc right out of the box. It’s easy to get to stand up straight, and has nice glide to carry your shot for easy distance. In addition, it’s a very shapeable disc you can grow into and learn to work around obstacles and get to hold difficult lines without burning out!
Get The Pekapeka!
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The Best Beginner Distance Drivers!
About here is where I have to put in my disclaimer: Distance Drivers do NOT equal more distance.
Especially for beginners!
It’s confusing and misleading, but a lot of players take out these massive, high-speed drivers, thinking it’s going to go a country mile only to have it stall out and crash to the ground with no discernable distance to speak of. I was that guy and so many others have the same story. It’s disappointing and can make people become disenchanted with the sport.
But I want you enchanted!
So, I’ve got some great distance drivers that I think will still work for the beginner (and can be included on a list of best beginner disc golf discs). But, if they don’t, just put them on a shelf in plain view (as a sort of motivation) and take them out again periodically as your game continues to develop. That goes for any disc that doesn’t work for you at first by the way. It may not be a bad disc. You may not be able to harness it yet. So it take it out again later and give it a go before you write it off!
Okay, that being said, let’s check out some beginner-friendly distance drivers!
10-Speed: The Lone Star Tumbleweed!
Flight Numbers 10, 6, -4, 1 Average Rating 4.53 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Bravo, Alpha, Glow
Other Notes: With a very high glide and a turn of -4, it doesn’t take much to get The Tumbleweed moving. That makes this a great disc for beginners to get easy distance. And as you progress you can do wide, sweeping turnovers or distance rollers to keep this disc around.
Try The Tumbleweed!
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10-Speed: The Doomsday Dystopia
Flight Numbers 10, 5, -2, 2 Average Rating 4.8 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Survival
Other Notes: For a lot of people, The Dystopia is their “first driver”. It’s also their max distance driver. I would put it at the end of the beginner’s spectrum but a real nice disc to bag early and hold onto. I like it for the same reason as others. It gets me lots of easy distance while still being controllable on the course. It also comes at a great price point for some high quality plastic (Survival)!
Check out The Dystopia!
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11-Speed: The Discmania DD!
Flight Numbers 11, 6, -3, 2 Average Rating 5.0 stars!
Recommended Plastics: S-Line
Other Notes: The DD, now made in Sweden, has a new style to it and it’s even more beginner friendly. This disc absolutely sails and I could see a lot of players keeping this in their bags as their max-distance driver for a long time to come!
Check out The DD!
12-Speed: The Clash Discs Wild Honey!
Flight Numbers 12, 5, -2, 2 Average Rating 4.5 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Steady, Sunny
Other Notes: If anything, The Wild Honey is slightly to significantly less stable than its numbers suggest. It’s downright flippy. And that’s exactly why it’s perfect for this list! And as you enjoy it’s gliding, distance ways, know that you can keep it in the bag and use it for hyzer-flips and keep that distance coming!
Get The Wild Honey!
13 – Speed: The MVP Catalyst!
Flight Numbers 13, 5.5, -2, 2 Average Rating 4.63 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Plasma, Neutron, Proton
Other Notes: MVP has a lot of 13 and 14-speeds that are intriguing, but shouldn’t really be considered for beginners. The Catalyst, however, is in the argument for its flipping, gliding flights. For many beginners this disc feels great in the hands and adds significant distance to their drives.
Get The Catalyst!
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14-Speed: The Westside Destiny!
Flight Numbers 14, 6, -2, 3 Average Rating 4.76 stars!
Recommended Plastics: Tournament or VIP
Other Notes: At first glance, the 14-speed Destiny can be intimidating. But, in truth, this disc is far flippier than its numbers suggest. This allows slower, beginner arms to make this disc travel a good, long way. As you progress, it turns into a great distance roller. It’s a lot of fun for players of all levels!
Get The Destiny!
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Best Beginner Disc Golf Discs – In Summary!
There you have it folks! Those are some highly rated, beginner-friendly discs that could stay in your bag for life!
By having the right discs, and continuing to play/practice, you’re going to quickly find a lot more success on the course. That will keep you in this great game, and from there, who knows!
And don’t forget, one key to finding success is by getting better at your putting. To do that, I highly recommend getting a basket. Here’s a page of great, affordable disc golf baskets to look at!
I sincerely hope that this post serves you well and keeps you enjoying our great game!
Thanks for reading my list of best beginner disc golf discs! If you have any other beginner-friendly golf discs that you love, let us all know in the comments. Also, please consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter. There’s no spam, it’s free, and you are automatically and permanently entered into a raffle to win $50 gift cards to Infinite Discs.
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- The Top 5 Disc Golf Storage Solutions!
- Can Rogue Iron’s Discs Make Your Bag?
- 7 Top Gifts for a Disc Golfer in 2025!
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