When you are on the clock and drafting, you want to make sure you have all the information you’ll need to be successful. Enter my 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings! It’s a comprehensive list of the best players in the sport, and will hopefully help you win your fantasy disc golf league. Let’s get into it!
Just In! 2024 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings are out! These are mixed division and also have separate MPO and FPO Rankings so be sure to Check Out These 2024 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings Right Now!
Note: You can now check out my FPO Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings!
WARNING: Unless you are married or extremely secure in your relationship, do NOT tell your significant other, or anyone that you are looking to impress, that you play Fantasy Disc Golf! Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

As a happily married man with a 4 year old and another on the way (Here we go again!), I feel secure enough to pull it off… I think…
But as someone who has always loved fantasy sports, and also has an incurable disc golf fever, the merger of the two worlds was just too tantalizing!
On second thought, I may need a lawyer…
Nevertheless, I forge on, and present to you my 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings for the MPO field! I have crunched numbers, watched endless rounds on Youtube, and visited innumerable websites and Instagram pages with the hopes that I can uncover hidden gems and get insight into who will take my (and your) team to the promised land!
It’s important to understand that my list is NOT a list of who I think are the best players in the world. This list is for who I think will give you the best chance of scoring high in your fantasy league! I’ll explain more below.
First let’s look at which fantasy platform I’ll be using and then get into how I weighed each factor to come up with my 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings! Let’s go!
What Disc Golf Fantasy Site Do I Use?
Last year was my first discovery of skipace.com for disc golf fantasy. Being new to the scene, I tried it out and really enjoyed playing the Event Matchups feature where you can change your 6 players each tournament. They also have a Survivor league that looks fun as well.
This year, and for the purposes of this post, I will be entering into a draft league or five. This is your classic fantasy format where you draft a team and use those players for the year. You can also get players off waivers. The video below does a good job of explaining how the draft format works on Skipace.
Where Do My Statistics Come From?
The large majority of my statistical information came from two places. For getting a general overview of how each player fared in 2022, I leaned heavily on statmando.com. That place is awesome!
And as you probably guessed from the name, it is completely dedicated to the sport of disc golf. You can pit players head to head, see their rankings or see how each player has done over the years.
There’s a lot of useful data (and some wonderful, time-sucking, “less important” data) to be had there. I definitely recommend you give it a look.
The other site I leaned on was this page on udisc. It’s there that I was able to see how each player compared to the field in 2022. So, when I see a player like Andrew Marwede ranking #1 by hitting 92% of his putts in C1X (11 – 33 ft) in 2022, I bump him up a bit. When I see him ranked #2 in Circle 2 putting, up he goes again!
You can see how these pages can become mighty useful.
Then, for age, I just did a lot of google searches and definitely got some imperfect results. If you see an incorrect age, don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments (especially if it’s way off)! It’s all part of the very imperfect science…
The Imperfect Science!
This section might read as a disclaimer for these 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings… But anyone who plays disc golf knows that it can be a game of inches. One putt can come up short, hit iron, and roll down hill and out of bounds, taking your birdie to a bogey or more.
Similarly, there are many factors that can also make a good season turn great, or vice versa. Injuries, sickness, disqualifications, finishing school, getting the yips, etc. can all derail a promising season.
I’m paraphrasing, but Simon Lizotte, after winning The MVP Open at Maple Hill, said something like:
“It’s so weird, I’m either, like, playing for the win, or in 30th place,”

“Round 1, I shot +2 and then round 2, I shot 8 under…but my throws weren’t that much better, I just got… kind of the better breaks here and there… and that’s part of the game.” He went on to explain how every inch matters as it can mean hitting or narrowly missing a tree or roots, etc.
And so it is with fantasy disc golf as well. Sometimes the tree kicks it your way, so to speak. And sometimes it definitely doesn’t!
But that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little preparation and put ourselves in a place to succeed! I’ve weighed a lot of factors, but tried to not go too far into the weeds either.
Let’s not overthink this too much here…
Here are the factors I considered when creating my 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings.
Factors for my Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings
There are, quite literally, infinite factors one could try and consider when making power rankings. But, I’ve narrowed mine down to 5 or 6 that I’ll lay out for you below. When combined, these helped me determine my fantasy disc golf power rankings.
But you may look at things differently. So, with each player, I’ll give you the some of the raw stats so you can also determine what’s best for you. As I’ve already stated, it’s an imperfect science!
Player Rating!
We all know the disc golf rating system is flawed. But by and large, it’s a pretty good barometer of how good a player is. This will definitely factor in as part (not all) of my 2023 fantasy disc golf power rankings.
Disc Golf World Ranking!
This is similar to the player ratings. It’s imperfect. On any given day, the 83rd ranked player in the world can beat the top player. Nevertheless, it’s definitely worth considering when creating my disc golf fantasy power rankings.
There’s no ability like availability! Paul McBeth, for example, is scheduled to play a big chunk of his season in Europe. You can’t score many points from his stellar play, if he’s not entering the tournaments the fantasy league is using.
In a similar vein, Eagle McMahon was unavailable last year in large part to his throwing arm being injured. How many tournaments will he play this year? Hard to say with any degree of certainty right? When they are playing, these two names are arguably the top two in the world. So where exactly do you rank them if you are unclear how much they’ll play? It’s a tough call!
As such, I consider availability to be another important factor to weigh in my 2023 fantasy disc golf power rankings.
Some of it has to be a guessing game. As of yet, I have not seen a lot of 2023 tour schedules posted. But I tried to use the players 2022 stats as an indicator of how much they’d play in 2023. I also used this next related factor as well…
Player Age!
This is another tricky one. In general, the younger you are, the less likely you are to get injured. But if you are too young, you may still be at high school or college which can affect that valued availability.
And if you are older, you have probably learned how to take care of your body and pace yourself for the grueling season ahead. You’ll also have some tricks up your sleeve that only a cagey veteran will have…
Then, there is that magical balance of youth and experience when you are in your prime (25 – 29 years old?).
Age is just another factor to consider…
General Statistics!
These obviously factor into the rating so I won’t go overboard. But, if there is an amazing putter out there, then I want to know about that. And don’t forget the big throwers. There are certain wide-open tournaments where those players score better as well.
Should I mix and match these players? Probably.
Is that too much to consider which will likely lead to overthinking? Yup, that too!
If a player has a remarkable statistic or two, I plan to factor it in and let you know about it as well. This brings me to the last consideration…
Are they lefty? Are they forehand dominant? How volatile are they? Basically, is there anything else I should know, before making an informed decision on whether or not I should draft this player? If the answer is yes, and I could find it, I’ll be sure to include it!
2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings!

It’s time! In this section I am going to list over 50 top players, broken into tiers, with some important stats and a blurb to outline my thinking for each.
Included, I will do some sections on potential sleepers, and other considerations, like who you might want to consider for your last pick in the draft.
But now, it’s time for the 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings! Let’s go!
Tier 1 – High Floor/High Ceiling Players
For any fantasy campaign to be successful, you will need a few tried-and-true players, that play a ton, to anchor your team. There are no guarantees, but I like the first 9 players to fit the high floor/high ceiling billing!
Pick # 1 – Ricky Wysocki
PDGA Tour Ranking: 1
2022 PDGA Rating: 1047
2022 C1X Putting: 87%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 29
Reasoning: Let’s not overthink the first pick. I’ll take the 29 year old World #1 who was 2022 player of the year. He plays a ton and is driven to be the best. That’s good enough for me for my first pick!
Pick # 2 – Gannon Buhr
PDGA Tour Ranking: 4
2022 PDGA Rating: 1043
2022 C1X Putting: 89%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 17
Reasoning: I’m taking the generational talent, who already ranks at the top of most statistical categories, with a full year under his belt. He played a lot of events in 2022 and I don’t see that changing this year.
*With Buhr’s recent sponsor change, people might be concerned about his adjustment to new plastic. I am not!
Pick # 3 – Calvin Heimburg
PDGA Tour Ranking: 3
2022 PDGA Rating: 1041
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 27
Reasoning: Consistently one of the best all-around players in the world. Projects to play a lot of tournaments and should be a work-horse in your fantasy lineup.
Pick # 4 – Chris Dickerson
PDGA Tour Ranking: 5
2022 PDGA Rating: 1044
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: Pretty High
Age: 29
Reasoning: Dickerson is one of the most consistently elite players on tour. He played 18 events last year. My only reservation is around how many he’ll play this season. Still, talent this elite is too hard to pass up.
Pick # 5 – Kyle Klein
PDGA Tour Ranking: 8
2022 PDGA Rating: 1039
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 22
Reasoning: Word on the street is that Klein is poised for a breakout season and I’m buying. Even if I’m wrong, I’m still getting a very high floor player (his worst event was 1025 rated in 2022) that’s young and plays a ton. Not a lot of downside there.
Pick # 6 – Joel Freeman
PDGA Tour Ranking: 6
2022 PDGA Rating: 1037
2022 C1X Putting: 83%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 28
Reasoning: Compared to a lot of other players I’d consider here, Freeman played a lot more events last year and was top 10 in 52%! Combine that with his steady all-around strong play and he’s a very safe bet to add to your squad.
Pick # 7 – Isaac Robinson
PDGA Tour Ranking: #9
2022 PDGA Rating: 1033
2022 C1X Putting: 88%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 22
Reasoning: Once again youth and availability rule the day. Isaac is one of the best putters in the world and has announced a full tour for 2023. After his breakout season last year, I like this pick a lot!
Pick # 8 – Matt Orum
PDGA Tour Ranking: 7
2022 PDGA Rating: 1040
2022 C1X Putting: 87%
Availability Projection: Moderate
Age: 35
Reasoning: Almost as safe a bet as you can get. Finished in the top 10 in 80% of his events last year. My only problem is that he only played 15 potential fantasy events last year. This is why he slides a down my board.
Pick # 9 – Simon Lizotte
PDGA Tour Ranking: 10
2022 PDGA Rating: 1037
2022 C1X Putting: 84%
Availability Projection: Somewhat high
Age: 30
Reasoning: After a remarkable 2022 campaign, it might be hard to justify a slide this far. But with a moderate amount of events and a fear of a regression to the mean, I think this is a good spot. Still, Lizotte has a high floor and I happily take him here.
Tier 2 – Elite Wildcards!

This is a two player tier!
And the only ability I question for these two players is their availability. Otherwise, as the tier-name suggests, these two players are elite. And unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how their seasons go) your season could already be won or lost depending on what you do with these picks!
Good luck!
Pick # 10 – Paul McBeth
PDGA Tour Ranking: 2
2022 PDGA Rating: 1050
2022 C1X Putting: 90%
Availability Projection: Low
Age: 32
Reasoning: At a certain point, you just have to take the talent. The ONLY reason McBeth slips this far is because he is due to play a large part of his season in Europe. If you get him, just hope he dominates the events he does play (or decides to play way more US DGPT events than anticipated).
Pick # 11 – Eagle McMahon
PDGA Tour Ranking: 45
2022 PDGA Rating: 1043
2022 C1X Putting: 90%
Availability Projection: Who Knows?!
Age: 25
Reasoning: Questions abound about the injury status and availability for this elite talent. If you think he’s going to play a fair amount then grab him up and you’ve got a steal! At a certain point, his unquestionable pedigree is too much to pass up on!
Tier 3 – Steady The Ship!
If you missed out on some of the elite talent you had your heart set on from above, now is NOT the time to panic and start reaching for sleepers and high-upside players.
Quite the opposite really!

Now, it’s time to steady the ship, bolster your lineup, and put yourself in position to grab that sleeper or high-upside guy when the timing is right.
With the exception of Anthony Barela, who can be a bit more volatile then some of the other players on this list (but whose talent is undeniable), these next five players should score well for you on a consistent basis.
And while that might not be enough to snatch victory, it can certainly stave off certain defeat!
Let’s look!
Pick # 12 – James Conrad
PDGA Tour Ranking: 13
2022 PDGA Rating: 1033
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: Fairly High
Age: 32
Reasoning: With a lowest ranked fantasy event of 1019 in 2022, Conrad is another rock-steady addition to your line-up. He plays a bunch of events and cashed every one of them in 2022.
Pick # 13 – Kevin Jones
PDGA Tour Ranking: 14
2022 PDGA Rating: 1033
2022 C1X Putting: 86%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 26
Reasoning: Age, experience, and projected availability combine for a really nice pick in Kevin Jones at slot 13. If Jones can add a bit more consistency to his game (lowest rated event was 998 last year), you’ve got yourself a steal!
Pick # 14 – Anthony Barela
PDGA Tour Ranking: 15
2022 PDGA Rating: 1038
2022 C1X Putting: 83%
Availability Projection: Moderately High
Age: 22
Reasoning: Barela is in his final year of college. How he balances this with his move to MVP is the big question. But there is no questioning the talent, and with his big arm, this pick has big upside! I’m just unclear how many fantasy events he’ll play… The more the better if you draft him!
Pick # 15 – Drew Gibson
PDGA Tour Ranking: 17
2022 PDGA Rating: 1035
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: Fairly High
Age: 27
Reasoning: This is another big upside pick. Gibson had an up and down season last year. He may have had too much on his plate off the course. Hopefully this is a bounce back season for him with more events played as well.
Pick # 16 – Chris Clemons
PDGA Tour Ranking: 11
2022 PDGA Rating: 1033
2022 C1X Putting: 88%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 32
Reasoning: Clemons is coming off a rock-solid 2022 season in which the lefty played a bunch of events and found top tens and podiums at a fairly high clip. I like him to continue this trend and be a rock in your lineup.
Tier 4 – More Wildcards!
I’ve got two more wildcards for you! As you will plainly see, they are given this status for vastly different reasons.
How, if, and when you decide to draft these two fantasy wildcards, could have huge implications for your season!
Pick #17 Niklas Anttila
PDGA Tour Ranking: 27
2022 PDGA Rating: 1029
2022 C1X Putting: 84%
Availability Projection: Low to Moderate
Age: 21
Reasoning: Make no mistake, Anttila is a top-10 talent. And at the age of 21, the sky is the limit for this Finnish sensation. However, he played 13 (about half) fantasy events last season so where does he land in the rankings? In the Wildcard spot, that’s where! If you get wind that he’s got more in store for the U.S. don’t hesitate to grab him!
Pick # 18 – Nikko Locastro
PDGA Tour Ranking: 41
2022 PDGA Rating: 1032
2022 C1X Putting: 79%
Availability Projection: Potentially High
Age: 34
Reasoning: This is an upside pick that doesn’t come without risk (suspension ends 2/28/23). If you think Locastro’s time off to reflect, along with his move to Lonestar Discs, will result in a productive season then this is a strong value at this pick!
Tier 5 – How is THAT Team Winning?
Have you ever looked at an opponent’s fantasy lineup and wondered, “How the heck is that team winning?”
The obvious implication is that they have no one name that blows you away.
What they probably do have, are a lot of highly consistent, slightly overachieving players that collectively bolster the entire squad.
The next 11 players on the list fit that profile in my mind. No single name will make you shake with fear, but if you can quietly grab 2 or 3 of those names, you might be putting yourself in position to be the “How is that team winning?” team for this season!
Pick # 19 – Corey Ellis
PDGA Tour Ranking: 12
2022 PDGA Rating: 1033
2022 C1X Putting: 88%
Availability Projection: Fairly High
Age: 27
Reasoning: This might be too low for this elite putter. He finished top 10 in 30% of fantasy events played last year and made podium for 3. Ellis, however, can be volatile on any given event (only cashed in 80%), and if he gets more consistent you’ve got a great roster addition if you get him this low.
Pick # 20 – Adam Hammes
PDGA Tour Ranking: 26
2022 PDGA Rating: 1030
2022 C1X Putting: 87%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 23
Reasoning: I’m already questioning my own ranking! Haha! Hammes finished top 10 in 32% of events last year. And he’s got youth on his side, and plays a lot as well… The volatility is very high, however. There are lots of finishes in the 40 – 88 slots. It’s up to you to decide what you value most to see where you pick this uber-talented player!
Pick # 21 – Aaron Gossage
PDGA Tour Ranking: 16
2022 PDGA Rating: 1029
2022 C1X Putting: 79%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 25
Reasoning: Gossage burst into our collective consciousness with his 2nd at Worlds last year. He is another highly volatile player (30% top 10; cashed 74%). But if he irons out his putting and builds on his excellent 2022 campaign this pick could be a steal!
Pick # 22 – Ezra Aderhold
PDGA Tour Ranking: 19
2022 PDGA Rating: 1029
2022 C1X Putting: 78%
Availability Projection: Very High
Age: 25
Reasoning: Aderhold led the tour in eagles last season. There’s no doubting his ability. He also plays a ton. Putting and volatility are the reason he falls out of the top 20. If he can improve on both, you’ve got a rock in your lineup!
Pick # 23 – Garrett Gurthie
PDGA Tour Ranking: 25
2022 PDGA Rating: 1031
2022 C1X Putting: 79%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 32
Reasoning: Looking more closely at his stats, Gurthie is less volatile then his summary indicates (he finished 88th in one event that was more of an outlier). Taking that one out, Gurthie, finishing top 10 in 21% of events and with 3 podiums, presents as a much steadier pick to bolster your lineup. And if he gets that putt locked in, look out!
Pick # 24 – Bradley Williams
PDGA Tour Ranking: 21
2022 PDGA Rating: 1029
2022 C1X Putting: 82%
Availability Projection: Pretty High
Age: 36
Reasoning: Nothing about his stats say “I must have Williams on my fantasy team!” Digging further into his stats (circle 2 putting %, scramble rate, OB Rate, etc.) I STILL don’t see anything remarkable. a 36 year-old with two top-10 finishes and it’s all meh… But that’s what everyone else is thinking too. Here’s how he finished last year at big events (12, 11, 13, 15). Let him slide and then snatch him up!
Pick # 25 – Alden Harris
PDGA Tour Ranking: 24
2022 PDGA Rating: 1030
2022 C1X Putting: 86%
Availability Projection: Very High
Age: 22
Reasoning: Impressively consistent at such a young age on tour last year. I’m looking for Harris to continue this upward trend in 2023. He finished 21% of his tournaments in the top-10 and even took home a W in one. He also plays a ton. I like the upside here if Alden falls to you at this pick!
Pick # 26 – Andrew Marwede
PDGA Tour Ranking: 31
2022 PDGA Rating: 1029
2022 C1X Putting: 92%
Availability Projection: Somewhat High
Age: 25
Reasoning: As the number one putter on tour last year (1st in C1X and 2nd in Circle 2) this guy is as steady as they come! With those stats, I’m surprised he doesn’t have more than one mere top-10 finish last year. But he’s already got a 1061-rated win in 2023. Is this the year he puts it all together? If so, Marwede’s ceiling just went way up (over his high floor) and your chances of winning with it!
Pick # 27 – Mason Ford
PDGA Tour Ranking: 20
2022 PDGA Rating: 1026
2022 C1X Putting: 84%
Availability Projection: Fairly High
Age: 25
Reasoning: Given Ford’s average finish place (27) last year, he’s up there with some of the guys above him. But his 10% in top-10s and 75% cash rate make me think this is a good spot for a very good and solid player. Age and upside are still a factor so grab him if you think this is Ford’s year!
Pick # 28 – Linus Carlsson
PDGA Tour Ranking: 43
2022 PDGA Rating: 1026
2022 C1X Putting: 87%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 23
Reasoning: Linus played a full U.S. tour last year which is why there aren’t more non-U.S. players on the list (I value availability). At 23, with 18% of his finishes in the top 10 last year, I like the upside of Carlsson at this pick.
Tier 6 – Buckle up Buttercup!

This next tier is dedicated to players that could score big for you on any given event! The only problem is, you don’t necessarily know which events they will be!
Nevertheless, if you pick right, you could turbo charge your fantasy run up the standings!
Buckle up though! For various reasons I’ll discuss, it could be a bumpy ride!
Pick # 29 – Väinö Mäkelä
PDGA Tour Ranking: 22
2022 PDGA Rating: 1027
2022 C1X Putting: 83%
Availability Projection: Moderate
Age: 24
Reasoning: If he were certain to play more in fantasy events, I’d have him higher in my rankings. The Finnish 24 year-old is loaded with talent. He finished top-10 in 27% of his events last year and had an average finishing position of a smidge over 23. When he plays, don’t hesitate to plug him in. Might be able to get him for a bargain a little later than he should be in your draft.
Pick # 30 – Albert Tamm
PDGA Tour Ranking: 36
2022 PDGA Rating: 1021
2022 C1X Putting: 72%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 24
Reasoning: He’s young, he can crush, and despite his poor putting to date, I’m impressed by his four, top-10 finishes and 1 victory last year. I also like that he plays a lot. He had a rough end to his season, and with this pick you are hoping he tweaked some things in the off-season to give you a big boost in value at this pick!
Pick # 31 – Emerson Keith
PDGA Tour Ranking: 23
2022 PDGA Rating: 1023
2022 C1X Putting: 82%
Availability Projection: Fairly High
Age: 25
Reasoning: Like a lot of players in this vicinity on the 2023 fantasy disc golf power rankings, there’s a bit of a feast or famine element with Keith. With 26% top ten finishes you could make an argument that he should be higher. If he shores up his consistency, you’ve got a great bargain on your hands!
Pick # 32 – Jason (Jake) Hebenheimer
PDGA Tour Ranking: 34
2022 PDGA Rating: 1023
2022 C1X Putting: 75%
Availability Projection: Moderate
Age: 25
Reasoning: He can smash and he can score. And his putt is equal parts delightful and unnerving. Hebenheimer, who only played 14 scorable events last season by my count, is a tough one to place. But with an average finishing position (28) better than at least 5 players higher on the list, this might be a good spot for this still-youthful enigma.
Pick # 33 – Andrew Presnell
PDGA Tour Ranking: 35
2022 PDGA Rating: 1025
2022 C1X Putting: 82%
Availability Projection: Fairly High
Age: 30
Reasoning: If you have picked high-upside and high-volatility players to this point, Presnell might be a good player to help you steady the ship (I know, NOT a fit for this tier!). He’s consistent, with the capacity to go on multiple tournament runs and potentially give you boost when your team needs it.
Pick # 34 – Thomas Gilbert
PDGA Tour Ranking: 44
2022 PDGA Rating: 1022
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 22
Reasoning: Nobody loves playing disc golf more than Thomas Gilbert. That has to count for something. He can definitely be feast or famine. But I like his 25% in the top 10 despite his 70% cashed. He has a high OB/Bogey Rate and I like him in longer, open courses. If he can dial in the bogeys a bit, look out! Perhaps this is his year to do just that?
Pick # 35 – Gregg Barsby
PDGA Tour Ranking: 28
2022 PDGA Rating: 1030
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: Moderate
Age: 36
Reasoning: Barsby only played 15 events last year, and at 36, I don’t feel confident he’ll want to play more… Still, when he’s out there he’s steady and polished, finishing in 20% with a top -10 and an average field position of 29.
Pick # 36 – Brodie Smith
PDGA Tour Ranking: 30
2022 PDGA Rating: 1025
2022 C1X Putting: 78%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 35
Reasoning: With such a late start in disc golf, he’ll probably always be a little rough around the edges. But despite his age, I’m curious to see what he does with another year under his belt. He plays a ton, and had three top-10’s. I think there’s still a touch of upside to be had here.
Pick #37 – James Proctor
PDGA Tour Ranking: 47
2022 PDGA Rating: 1020
2022 C1X Putting: 89%
Availability Projection: Moderate
Age: 27
Reasoning: Proctor is an elite putter. He’s also 27 years old and had a strong finish to his 2022 campaign. If he can keep that momentum going into 2023, and plays more than the 16 fantasy events from last year, you’ve got a rock in your lineup!
Cagey Vets/Spot Starters
I originally planned to just rank every player. But how do you quantify a 1015-rated player that played 25 events in 2022 versus a 1030-rated player that played 8 events?
Unless you absolutely crush your draft, there is a great chance that you will be picking up free agents as the season progresses.
Here are some names of players that you can grab if they are available, or if you are looking for players to fill that final spot.
Spot Starter #1 – Nate Sexton
PDGA Tour Ranking: 18
2022 PDGA Rating: 1035
2022 C1X Putting: 82%
Availability Projection: Low
Age: 37
Reasoning: Nate Sexton played 10 fantasy events last year. Otherwise, I’m obviously putting the 1035-rated player that finished with 30% top-10’s way higher up in the power rankings. Will the 37 year-old announcer play more events? If so, he’s worth a draft. Someone else probably will, depending on how deep your draft is. But if he’s floating on the waiver wires, grab him for an almost guaranteed quality start.
Spot Starter # 2 – Jeremy Koling
PDGA Tour Ranking: 33
2022 PDGA Rating: 1020
2022 C1X Putting: 83%
Availability Projection: Somewhat High
Age: 38
Reasoning: Koling played a bunch of fantasy events last year (21). He finished top-10 in 2 (10%) and had an average finishing position of about 35. If Big Jerm is available he is certainly worth considering for a quality start or two on your squad.
Spot Starter # 3 – Cale Leiviska
PDGA Tour Ranking: 40
2022 PDGA Rating: 1031
2022 C1X Putting: 79%
Availability Projection: Low
Age: 37
Reasoning: Leiviska played 8 fantasy events which is not worth a draft in my book. But he’s still a rock-solid player, and with an average finishing position of 26.5, he’s absolutely worth a spot-start or two if he’s available.
Spot Starter # 4 – Paul Ulibarri
PDGA Tour Ranking: 51
2022 PDGA Rating: 1021
2022 C1X Putting: 82%
Availability Projection: Low
Age: 34
Reasoning: Ulibarri played in 12 fantasy events last year and finished with one top-10. However, he has reported feeling healthy for the first time in a while and that he’s on the practice fields. Keep an eye on him and grab him up if you need a start or if he goes on a bit of a run!
Spot Starter # 5 – Benjamin Callaway
PDGA Tour Ranking: 32
2022 PDGA Rating: 1024
2022 C1X Putting: 82%
Availability Projection: Somewhat High
Age: 35
Reasoning: With one top-10 in 19 fantasy events last year, don’t expect to get on Callaway’s back and ride off to the promised land. However, with an average finish of 37, Callaway could be a solid option in a pinch.
Spot Starter # 6 – Gavin Babcock
PDGA Tour Ranking: 29
2022 PDGA Rating: 1015
2022 C1X Putting: 84%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 24?
Reasoning: Babcock is newer to the sport and therefore has more potential to keep rising up the board. Look at his average rating for his 2020 pro events (992), for 2021 (1002), and for 2022 (1012). Are we seeing a trend in those numbers? Is it too far-fetched to think this disciplined wrestler will keep his nose to the grindstone and keep improving? I don’t think so! Might be worth a flyer in your league late in the rounds!
Rising Stars/Sleepers
Now it’s time for your favorite section and mine! I’ve watched a fair amount of drafts from last year, and do you know who didn’t get drafted in any of them? Isaac Robinson.
I’m guessing, whoever picked him off waivers made a serious run at winning their league. That was a top-10 producer sitting in the free agent pile!
So who is this year’s Isaac Robinson? Will there even be one? Well, if I knew for certain, I’d tell you. But I’ve got a few options that I’ll be watching with a keen eye. Let’s be honest, I’ll probably draft a few of these players as well. Everyone loves a rising star…
And if you have any names that I did not include that you think I should have, I absolutely want to hear about it in the comments. Let’s look at what I have so far…
Rising Star/Sleeper #1 – Cole Redalen
PDGA Tour Ranking: 53
2022 PDGA Rating: 1026
2022 C1X Putting: 78%
Availability Projection: Moderately High
Age: 19
Reasoning: There’s no questioning the kid’s talent. He’s got it in spades. He even played 18 fantasy events last season. And by the way, the kid can smash (4th in World’s MPO distance competition). If he can reel in his OB rate (high) and dial in the putting, he could be a force this season on the course and your squad!
Rising Star/Sleeper #2 – Luke Samson
PDGA Tour Ranking: 46
2022 PDGA Rating: 1021
2022 C1X Putting: 81%
Availability Projection: Very High
Age: 22
Reasoning: If you were to design a disc golfer in a lab, you might come up with Luke Samson. With a baseball reference page to boot, there’s no doubting this kid is an athlete. Will it all come together for him on tour this year? Personally, I like his chances!
Rising Star/Sleeper # 3 – Lauri Lehtinen
PDGA Tour Ranking: 71
2022 PDGA Rating: 1026
2022 C1X Putting: 83%
Availability Projection: Low to Moderate
Age: 21
Reasoning: Lehtinen is another in a long line of supremely talented Finnish players. The only real question with him, as it pertains to fantasy, is how much he’ll play. Last year he played 11 fantasy events. If you get wind he’s playing significantly more, he’s absolutely worth a roster spot!
Rising Star/Sleeper # 4 – Evan Smith
PDGA Tour Ranking: 38
2022 PDGA Rating: 1025
2022 C1X Putting: 88%
Availability Projection: Low
Age: 18
Reasoning: Almost everything I just said about Lehtinen applies to Smith. He’s uber-talented and the only question I have revolves around his availability (with a dash of experience). He’s in college, studying opera, and has a lot more going on. If he plays more, or is playing certain events, he has the ability to score big for your team!
Rising Star/Sleeper # 5 – Ezra Robinson
PDGA Tour Ranking: 52
2022 PDGA Rating: 1018
2022 C1X Putting: 85%
Availability Projection: Moderate?
Age: 21
Reasoning: Ezra is one year younger than his brother, Isaac, who was clearly the breakout player of 2022. The brothers are also highly competitive. So don’t expect Isaac to grab all the limelight without a fight. Ezra is a strong putter and has the ability to score big as he’s shown. If he plays more than last season (9 fantasy events), he has strong sleeper potential!
Rising Star/Sleeper # 6 – Casey White
PDGA Tour Ranking: 58
2022 PDGA Rating: 1017
2022 C1X Putting: 80%
Availability Projection: High
Age: 22
Reasoning: There was no way I was going to leave the kid from Shirley, MA off my list. And at 22, White still has a lot of promise and is a very steady performer. But he had a better season in 2021 and admitted to burning out a bit last year. If he can learn from this experience, he could be a real nice pick-up!
Rising Star/Sleeper # 7 – Jake Monn
PDGA Tour Ranking: 70
2022 PDGA Rating: 1008
2022 C1X Putting: 84%
Availability Projection: Low
Age: 17
Reasoning: This may be a year or two early. I don’t know how hard he is going to pursue disc golf at the age of 17, but Jake Monn has a bright future. He’s already a nice putter from C1X AND C2 (32%). He also showed poise beyond his years in the one event he finished top 10 in last year. Keep an eye on him for sure!
Player Options for your Last Pick
This section is dedicated to players that you might consider picking up with your last pick. These players got off to good starts last season and could potentially give you a boost at the start of your season. They will also, most likely, still be available.
This is obviously only applicable if you are in a deeper league (most likely 6 players or more)
Like I said before, it’s unrealistic that you’ll keep the same team in any fantasy league throughout the year. Consider these players for the start of the season and you can swap them out if their numbers start to fall off.
Last Pick Option #1 – Luke Humphries
Last year, from Vegas through his first 5 starts, Humphries finished 4, 2, 24, 45, and 6 respectively. That’s a pretty hot start that could get you off to a really nice start in your league…
Last Pick Option #2 – Alex Russell
In 3 of his first 5 events last season, Russell had 10th, 15th and 3rd place finishes. Not too shabby! He could be a really nice option so your team can get off to a good start.
Last Pick Option #3 – Cale Leiviska
Already featured in the Cagey Vets/Spot Starters section, but as it turns out, Leiviska played a lot of fantasy events early last season. As a 1031 player in the last round, this could provide early value! 5 of the 8 events he played last year were Feb. – April
Last Pick Option #4 – Scott Withers
Finished 7th in Vegas last season! There wasn’t much else in terms of consistent fantasy production, but if you aren’t sure what to do with your last pick, this one could buy you time!
Honorable Mentions!
Here are some players that I strongly considered for my 2023 Disc Golf Power Rankings.
Partly I’m just trying to cover my bases so I can say I did have them in my post in case they go off this season!
No, truthfully, there are just so many talented players in the MPO field that we can’t reasonably include them all.
Here were some (not all) of my considerations. And if you have a supremely deep fantasy league, here are some names you may even consider on draft day!
Chandler Fry – This guy can score big! He can also do just the opposite and it’s really hard to pin down when he’ll do what. Personally, I can’t stand having the high point getter on my bench that does nothing when he’s in my lineup. But if you need a boost, Fry might be your play!
Tristan Tanner – Let me know if you think he should move to the sleepers section (he’s only 23). Tanner had two huge events (Vegas and Worlds) and a lot less than stellar outings (only cashed 41% of fantasy events last year). For me, he’s another home run swing if you need to make a charge!
Gavin Rathbun – Admittedly, I don’t know much about Rathbun. I hear he’s very talented but his 2022 results/availability (he played 9 fantasy events) didn’t quite bump him into the rankings. If he plays more this season, he’ll absolutely be there next year! Rathbun is the player on this list I feel least certain about!
Chandler Kramer – Forehand dominant with the ability to go big. If there’s a course or two that lends itself well to RHFH then he’s worth a pick up! He had four top-10s and a podium last year in 24 fantasy events. Maybe he’s worth a draft!
Austin Hannum – Three top-10’s in twenty events. But he also had an average finish of 46. He’s another player whose volatility just scares me. If you’re okay with the swings, Hannum could definitely help your team!
Alright, I could go on listing veterans like Matt Bell, Eric Oakley, or G.T. Hancock. I could also list off some supremely talented up and comers like A.J. Carey, Robert Burridge, Kevin Kiefer III, or Hunter Thompson.
You could make arguments for them all and others not listed. I truly wish them all successful seasons.
But at a certain point, you’ve got to pick your squad and live with the results. And for now, that’s what I’ve done.
Now it’s time to put a bow on this one!
2023 Disc Golf Fantasy Power Rankings – In Summary
There you have it folks! Those are my 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings for the MPO!
You can check out my FPO Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings as well in case you are drafting both!
It is now time to close down the thousands of tabs I have open, click “publish” and begin to immediately second-guess every one of my rankings! Sigh, such is the nature of this sort of venture… But there is no denying I had a blast doing it.
And honestly, I hope it helps you organize your thoughts and create your own draft board.
If it did provide you value, please consider subscribing to my site. Like a lot of the players listed, I see only upside to such an idea. It’s obviously free, and, by subscribing, you automatically are permanently entered in a raffle to win $50 gift cards to Infinite Discs (I’m giving out 2 to the next 100 subscribers!). The only commitment you sign up for is a monthly email from me with my latest disc golf content (which I plan to continually provide value with).
That sounds like a win-win to me!
Here at the newly formed Disc Golf Around I’m working to build a community. I welcome you to come along for a twisty-turny, disc golf adventure from building a course in my own back yard, to disc golf’n around the world and back! Thank you sincerely for considering!
Let’s Hear From You in the Comments!
Normally, I don’t dedicate a whole section to comments. But these are the 2023 Disc Golf Power Rankings, and people are going to have thoughts and opinions about them.
I know I would!
Like every rankings list ever created, there will probably be some rankings that I got right, and there will definitely be some where I smacked the first available tree! Like I said, it’s part of the process…
And as long as you keep it civil, I am absolutely planning to publish any and all comments. Even if you adamantly disagree with everything I’ve done.
In the name of having opinions of my rankings, you’ve got to check out Klinton Pippert’s breakdown of my power rankings on his Youtube Channel. He was very fair and provides some good insight on why he agrees or disagrees with a given slot for a player. Give it a look and be sure to subscribe to his channel. He has a ton of knowledge to offer!
So, with that in mind, what do you like and where do you think I missed?
I like this concept, because, when it’s all said and done, we get to revisit the comments and see how we did. And if you disagree, tell me why. There’s a decent chance you change my thinking!.
Okay let’s hear it. Who do you rank where and why? What’s your top-10 in order? Are there any players that I presented that you hadn’t considered? Are there any players that moved up or down your list based on these rankings? What about sleepers? Any that you think I missed?
How about insight into availability? If a player released their schedule that doesn’t match up with my availability projection, let us all know in the comments so I can update and we can all have the latest info at our fingertips!
In the end, these 2023 Fantasy Disc Golf Power Rankings are an indicator that the official disc golf season is finally fast-approaching. I, for one, couldn’t be more excited.
I sincerely hope that you all crush your respective drafts and finish first in your leagues! Above all, I hope you have a blast drafting and following your players’ progress throughout the season.
After you do draft, come back and tell us who you got where as well! How many players were in your league? What was your draft position? Who did you get in what round? Who are you, like Miles Finch in the movie Elf, “especially psyched out of your mind about?” Do you like your chances of winning?
When the season’s done, come back and tell us how you did as well…
I want 100 comments!
Here’s to a great fantasy season and a wonderful disc golf season for all of us! Enjoy!
That’s all for now everyone! Thanks for reading my 2023 Disc Golf Power Rankings! Obviously, as I made plainly clear, I want to hear all your thoughts outlined in the comments. In addition, I encourage you to join my monthly email list by subscribing. By doing so, you also permanently enter to win gift cards to Infinite Discs. I’m giving away two, $50 gift cards to the next 100 subscribers! And because you are permanently entered, the next 100 to subscribe have a better than 2% chance of winning. Those are better odds than you’d get for me hitting a 30-foot putt! Don’t wait and reduce your odds! Subscribe here!
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