Picture of MVP Parsec Rangefinder with case and USB cord

MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder -Complete Review!

In this post we will do a complete review of the MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder. There is a lot to like and a lot to consider when making a rangefinder purchase and we want to make sure you make the right purchase for you!

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MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder -Introduction

There is no denying that The MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder has all the bells and whistles.

It is a precision instrument that gives accurate distances from very long distances (and closer ones), while also providing elevation, and even disc speeds if that interests you.

And as a top-of-the-line instrument, with a company name that is known for its quality, the only real decision for you is whether or not you want to pay at the top of the market as well.

Let’s take a closer look at this rangefinder, and see if it’s a good fit for you!

The Many Pros of the Parsec!

The Parsec is a gadget lover’s dream rangefinder.

It has 9 different modes that are easy to toggle between and that give different reads depending on the information you seek.

As a baseline it’ll give you accurate distances, in feet, meters, or yards, to the target. It also has a continuous scanning mode so you can see distances of obstacles on the route to your target.

In addition to the straight line distance mode (SL), The Parsec gives you Horizontal Distance (HD), Vertical Distance (VD), Speed (SP), 2-Point Height (HT), Closest Distance (CL), Farthest Distance (FA), Distance Compensation (Flag Icon) and a Memory Storage Mode (to store info of 20 different measurements).

For Power, the Parsec comes with a rechargeable battery and an included USB-C cord.

It also comes with a high-quality carrying case!

The Parsec’s Many Modes!

As we already stated, the Parsec comes with lots of modes! Here’s a few we’ve highlighted that you may find unique and beneficial.

Speed Mode (SP) – With radar technology, the speed mode helps you capture the speed of moving objects coming towards you or moving away from you. This is just plain fun. And it definitely takes some practice when you are trying to hit a disc (and is a bit impractical for most applications), but is nice to have if you want to get serious about gauging speeds.

Vertical Distance (VD) – A lot of people might set this one as their default mode. It still gives you the straight line distance, but also tells you the Vertical Distance from you to the target AND calculates the angle of the shot. With this information, you can know whether you should disc up, disc down, or stay with the disc you’ve got for the best shot.

Height (HT) – This mode gives you the height difference between the two measurements you take. If you want to know the height of an obstacle (like a tree) and whether you should try to go over it, this mode comes in super handy!

Distance Compensation (flag icon) – This is the mode we like best. As you lock onto the target the Parsec vibrates and then it calculates the relative distance to the target, accounting for slope. This way you don’t have to do any math in your head and you know instantly what disc to reach for.

Get The MVP Parsec Rangefinder!

  • MVP is a trusted name
  • Deadly Accurate at long and shorter ranges.
  • Easy Use and Viewing
  • Includes Elevation Readings, Speed and 9 total modes!
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Top Quality Carrying Case

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Get it on Infinite’s site here!

What You’ll Want to Know about the Parsec

While the Parsec is a great tool, and a lot of fun to use, it ain’t perfect either.

With that in mind, here are a few downsides that we found that you may want to know about the MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder.

Price – As we said, it’s a precision tool and with that comes a steeper price tag. The Parsec is one of the more expensive disc golf rangefinders on the market.

Speed Mode is Tricky – If you are enticed with the idea that you can get the speed of your throws and gain information from it, this might be a bit of a let down. You’ll need a very competent partner and it’s quite tricky to use. We recommend you view it as a fun add-on and you won’t be let disappointed.

Too Many Modes? – This one is in the eyes of the beholder, but if it’s difficult for you to remember what each mode does and when to use them then this one might not be for you. If, however, you love this sort of thing, The Parsec can’t be beat! Either way, it stays in the mode that you set it on, so you can find the mode you like and you don’t have to scroll through each time you turn it on.

Get The MVP Parsec Rangefinder!


  • MVP is a trusted name
  • Deadly Accurate at long and shorter ranges.
  • Easy Use and Viewing
  • Includes Elevation Readings, Speed and 9 total modes!
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Top Quality Carrying Case


  • Higher price
  • Speed Mode is difficult
  • There are lots of modes to remember.

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Get it on Infinite’s site here!

MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder – In Summary!

The MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder is some kind of gadget!

It ranges very long distances with a high degree of accuracy.

It also has 9 total modes that can give you valuable information like the vertical distance or the relative distance to the pin so you can make sure to get the disc selection correct. This, when used correctly, can result in less strokes on the course.

In addition, it comes with a high quality case and a cord to recharge the battery.

And while some of the features may feel extraneous or difficult to use (like speed mode), all told this is a high-quality instrument that we doubt you’ll regret adding to your lineup.

With the Parsec, you can add a little more precision to your disc golf game and make sure you put it close!

Thank you all for reading our review on the MVP Parsec Disc Golf Rangefinder. If you have questions or something to add feel free to comment below! And as always, be sure to subscribe to our infrequent newsletter (automatically enters you to win gift cards to Infinite Discs) and follow us on instagram to keep up to date on all things disc golf!

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