In this post I’ll go over what I believe to be the two best disc golf podcasts I’ve found to help you improve your disc golf game. I’ll make my arguments for each, but I’m also factoring in that I have NOT listened to all the disc golf podcasts out there. If you have any suggestions at the end, I’m all ears! Let’s begin…
Nowadays, for those of us interested in improving our disc golf games, there are any number of resources available to us. It’s hard to argue against the value of Youtube as an amazing tool to help you lower your scores.
But if we’re being honest, when we’re on Youtube, we don’t always gravitate to the instructional videos. There’s just two much entertaining content competing for our attention.
For this reason, coupled with the fact that we probably shouldn’t (read: definitely shouldn’t) be watching Youtube videos when we drive, I think there is great value in having a disc golf podcast or two that you can listen to and help you lower your scores.
Just pop them on in the car, and feel good about improving your game as you travel to and fro…
With that in mind, I’ve isolated two disc golf podcasts that really stand out to me in terms of improving your game. Before the big unveiling, however, let me lay out my reasoning for why I chose these two.
Then, at the end, if you have other suggestions, post them in the comments and I’d love to hear them.
What I look For In a Disc Golf Podcast
When I’m seeking out a disc golf podcast, I’ve got one thing in mind: Improving my disc golf game!
And if that’s not the case for you, I completely respect that. But for me, it’s all I’m really interested in. And to be sure, a lot of that has to do with my age and the fact that I have a kid, a fixer-upper house and a full time teaching job. In other words, I don’t have a ton of free time.
That’s why I came up with a few variables I like to consider when choosing a disc golf podcast. The first one connects to my lack of free time, so that’s where I’ll begin…
Disc Golf Podcast Variable #1 – Advice to Fluff Ratio
If you are trying to improve your game by listening to podcasts you are going to want a high advice to fluff ratio.
Yes, that is a metric I just made up. But basically, I want to make sure that the podcasts I choose are focused more on advice I can consider for my own game.

Everything else is what I call “fluff”.
Fluff could be pleasantries, what did you do this weekend, disc golf drama, other unrelated current events (NFL scores and such), constant jokes and yucking it up, etc.
And I’m not saying there’s no place for those things! I just don’t want it to be the majority of the time.
In other words, I don’t want to listening to a 55 minute podcast where there are 3 minutes of advice and the rest fluff.
Give me a higher advice to fluff ratio, and you’ve probably got me! Both my suggestions excel in this regard.
Disc Golf Podcast Variable #2 – High Percentage of Professional Advice
If I’m looking to improve my game, then I want to take my advice from the very best. In general, disc golf offers an incredibly refreshing amount of access to its pros.
As such, this means we can hear from the very top players. A tip or bit of advice from a professional disc golfer holds a lot of water. If your podcast has professionals giving me advice at a steady clip, then I most certainly want to hear it.
The pros have put in countless hours on their craft and can give hard-earned insight, that might help me fast-track my own game.
Both of the podcasts I recommend have a high percentage of professional disc golfers giving advice.
Disc Golf Podcast Variable #3 – Percentage of Evergreen Content

This variable is closely related to the first two. Basically though, I want to listen to a podcast that has content that stands the test of time. This means that if I listen to a November 2021 episode, I will still be able to mine some valuable content.
Both podcasts I recommend can be listened to from the very beginning and offer a lot of valuable content throughout!
Combined with the other two, a disc golf podcast with these variables will surely help you improve your game.
Let’s have a look at my two suggestions for you!
My Two Best Disc Golf Podcasts to help You Improve!
Okay, it’s time! The following two podcasts pass all of my tests! They offer pro tips, evergreen content and they give far more advice than fluff.
I can also say that I’ve listened to over 90% of all the content. When I listen to both of these podcasts, I can honestly say that I really feel like I am learning a lot and gathering the information I need to know to improve my disc golf game.
So, without further ado, here are my two best podcasts to help you improve your disc golf game!
Podcast #1 – Disc Golf Answer Man!

Me: You can’t just create chemistry in a lab.
You: Isn’t that exactly where you create chemistry? (pause) In a lab that is?
Me: (visibly flustered) Well… yes… But I mean this kind of chemistry… The human chemistry!
When it comes to chemistry, these guys have it in spades.
Disc Golf Answer Man, or DGAM, is hosted by a disc golf podcast OG. Bobby “Cool Daddy Slick Breeze”, is a fun-loving, affable guy that isn’t afraid to put himself out there and always supports others that do the same. He doesn’t claim to be great at disc golf, only that he loves the game, and perhaps more specifically, the people of the game.
Bobby worked for years at Dynamic Discs in Emporia, Kansas and has ventured out on his own. Thankfully for us, he has decided to continue DGAM. But he also has his own business in marketing and if you’re lucky (and you pay him money), he’ll even rent you his Airbnb in Emporia, Kansas the next time you visit this disc golf capital. Bobby kindly reached out to me and gave me this link to connect with him. You can also find him here!
He is joined most weeks by his cohosts Robert McCall and Eric Oakley.
Eric Oakley fills the professional disc golfer seat on the podcast. Being a touring pro, he has obviously acquired a great deal of knowledge on the subject. When a disc golf question is posed by a listener (part of the format for the show) Oakley is there with an insightful answer. He helps break down the question into easily digestible chunks and will also challenge convention to the benefit of the listener. When it comes to takes, Oakley spits fire and makes no apologies. It’s equal parts entertaining and refreshing to hear him rant!
Finally, somewhere in the middle of Bobby and Oakley is the third equally integral part of this terrific trio. I speak of Robert McCall. With his well-coiffed hair (which can be seen on screen with the DGPT coverage) and good-natured ribbing (Bobby being the primary target), Robert adds behind the scenes knowledge (from his 4+ years of working for DD) as well as disc golf knowledge (formerly 1,000 rated) and is the perfect bridge between Bobby and Eric.
Together, they form quite the show!
Why I like DGAM so Much
Two words: Chemistry and Information.
Not only do these guys give great insight into everything ranging from disc golf mental game, to advertising, to foot wear, putting, approaches, drives, etc, but they keep it so entertaining the whole way.

Their legitimate friendship and their collective knowledge come through loud and clear. The time passes so quickly and always leaves me yearning for more.
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you subcribe to their podcast and download wherever you get podcasts (no, this is not an ad. They do not know I exist… yet).
And while you are subscribing to them, subscribe here as well. It’s free and you get automatically entered to win $50 gift cards to Infinite Discs. All you are really signing up for is a monthly email from me with my latest posts (now that’s closer to an ad!).
With DGAM, my only hope for them is that they keep that content coming. Of late, it sounds like they have had a lot going on in their respective lives. If they ever read this, I have a teacher tip later on for both of these podcasts that may help.
And if they are reading, I’ll also say this: Bobby, Eric and Robert, keep the band together!
Even if they don’t, it’s still worth a download. I’ve listened to every episode and each one is loaded with disc golf advice that is highly worth hearing. Personally, I plan to re-listen again right before the next season so I can keep pushing my game.
I highly doubt you’ll regret it if you do the same…
Podcast #2 – The Chain Clankers Podcast

Unlike DGAM, where you’re never quite sure when the next pod will come out, you can set a watch to the Chain Clankers podcast. Every Monday, I know that when I’m driving my kid to school I’ve got a disc golf podcast in my queue that’s going to make me better.
Chain Clankers currently has two hosts, but has had three in total during their tenure. Quentin, one of the original two, was probably born with a mic in his hand. At a young age, he is clearly a natural for the role he plays on the show. He’s clear, concise, transitions smoothly between segments and keeps the flow moving at that Goldilocks pace (just right). He’s also not afraid to speak his mind and give a potentially unpopular take if he believes in it. Personally, as someone who is NOT good at doing that, I respect the heck out of it, and encourage him to keep it up!
Finally on Quentin, he can correct me if I’m wrong, but I can tell that he is a man possessed. He brings fire to his game on the course and let’s you know that he wants to beat you out there. Similarly, he brings that same passion to his podcast. This results in his tireless efforts to recruit disc golf pros and keep that good content coming to the listeners benefit.
As a result, there are gobs of good advice, from the best in the game, that will make you a better disc golfer. That, in fact, is probably the first part of their very mission statement. They want to make their listeners better disc golfers.
And given his tenacity, I would wager that they are going to be doing this for a long time to come. It’s absolutely worth jumping on the train if you haven’t already…
The second host, Trenton, is the newest addition to the Chain Clankers podcast. He brings both enthusiasm and positivity in spades and gives the pod a friendly, welcoming tone at all times. Trenton also has the great gift of humility. He will never pretend he knows everything and will readily share any missteps he takes out on the course. This really helps the podcast ingratiate itself to disc golfers at the very beginning of their journey (where I recently found myself).
It is never easy to enter into anything, let alone a podcast series, while it’s already in progress. But Trenton has done an admirable job. He’s getting his reps on the fly and really finding his groove. I look forward to hearing his takes each week and for many years to come…
Lastly, as someone who has listened to every episode, I would be remiss if I did not mention Horatio (who regrettably left the show a good spell back for undisclosed reasons). Don’t let your teachers tell you otherwise, folks; Some questions are better than others. And let me tell you, Horatio has a true gift for asking great questions during interviews. If you don’t believe me go back and listen (you should anyways) for yourself. But I can’t tell you how times I muttered to myself or thought “That was the perfect question,” during an interview he was conducting.
He has the ability to squeeze every ounce of value out of his interviewees to the listener’s great benefit. I, for one, hope he makes a triumphant return some day.
And life happens. We can all appreciate that. But if Horatio gets the podcast itch again, I’d love to hear what all three of them could come up with together.
Whatever happens, I highly recommend that you subscribe to the Chain Clankers podcast. While you are there, download past episodes as well. You won’t regret that you did!
Why I like Chain Clankers Podcast so much
My two words for them would be consistency and variability.
As I mentioned before, these guys have a podcast in your queue every Monday. They are consistent in their production and consistent with the great content they churn out.

For variability, I am referencing the many pros they bring on. Each pro brings their own advice and their own takes. As such, I have the opportunity to glean new information from all of them, even if they are talking about the same subject.
If three pros, talk about putting, for example. They might do so in completely different ways. This benefits the listener, and allows more opportunity for the listener to grasp onto something that could dramatically improve their game.
It’s also a great way to get to know a variety of pros on a more personal level, something I really appreciate.
All told, I think that the Chain Clankers podcast is the perfect complement to Disc Golf Answer Man. If you have both, it’s going to be hard for you not to improve.
My suggestion for Both Podcasts
I would never have the audacity to tell these guys how to run their podcast or anything like that. Back when phone messages were a thing, I had trouble thinking on the fly and would leave ridiculous messages. I was the guy deleting my messages constantly and re-doing them. Mine weren’t as painful as this scene below with Mikey from Swingers (it’s barely watchable how painful it is, but hilarious nonetheless!), but they weren’t pretty either!
The point is, I’m not the podcasting type and I respect the heck of anyone that can pull it off.
My suggestion comes more from a teachers perspective and that is this:
Don’t ever be afraid to repeat your content.
I’ve found, both as a teacher and a learner, that we can only digest so much at a time.
So, if you are going over proper driving technique, for example, the listener might be ready to think about reach back and footwork and that’s it…
Then, after working on that, they can start to think about the next thing. Slowly, over time, they build on what they already have.
But what’s the likelihood that they go back re-listen to your past podcasts to get their next steps? I have no data, but I’m guessing it’s low. So, that’s where the value of repetition is key.
But there’s more. As a teacher that teaches the same lesson to 3 classes in a day, I also notice that each lesson gets appreciably better. As the day progresses, I can key in on aspects of my lesson that seem to resonate with students. And because I’ve repeated it, I’m more comfortable with the content. That leaves room to ad lib and intersperse tidbits that are more interesting… you get the idea.
So, if for example DGAM was wondering what the heck else they could possibly create in terms of content, I say run back the greatest hits and add onto them. Personally, I can listen to/watch instruction from pros many times, because I know that each time I pick up something new. And perhaps that one new phrasing you come up with is the key to unlocking one of your listeners games…
That’s it! I hope that helps and you know it’s coming from a good place! If one of you is reading this (or anyone else for that matter) let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Other Disc Golf Podcast suggestions to Help us Improve?
I’m always searching for more content. My appetite is insatiable. But I certainly haven’t listened to all the disc golf podcasts out there. I’ve also found that, with podcasts, I do have certain “guidelines” I like to look for…
So, if you have a disc golf podcast that has professional advice, limited fluff, and content that is more likely to be evergreen, then please let me know in the comments below.
Best Disc Golf Podcasts to Help You Improve – in Summary
When I listen to podcasts, I do so with the hope that I will improve my game and hopefully be entertained in the process.
This means that I want to hear the very best in the world of disc golf giving me advice. I also want to hear this advice at a steady clip, without having to hunt it down or “mine” it.
So far, for my money, both Disc Golf Answer Man and Chain Clankers fit that billing. They are the two best disc golf podcasts to help me improve my game that I have found.
I hope, for both of them, that they continue to pump out the great content. And as an aside, I hope they are never afraid to repeat a thing or two in the process.
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you check out these podcasts, download past episodes, and let the infotainment begin!
Thanks, as always, for reading everyone. If you have any suggestions for me/others on best disc golf podcasts to improve your game, put them in the comments below. Also, in a push to create a community here at Disc Golf Around, I am asking anyone reading this to subscribe. It’s free, it’s easy, and the only thing you are really signing up for is a monthly email with my latest posts. Oh, and of course you will be permanently entered in many contests to win $50 gift cards to Infinite Discs (I’m giving out 2 more after the next 100 subscribers as of 12/18!). The sooner you subscribe the better your chances of winning! Thank you in advance for your support!
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Thank you so much for all the kind words. DGAM has changed over the last year and I hope to be able to continue creating content that people enjoy listening to.
That’s great news for all of us Bobby! We look forward to hearing what you come up with next and I’m quite certain we’ll enjoy it. Keep up the stellar work and thanks for stopping by!